How to keep teeth healthy? | Yoga Yatra (24 July 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev explains the intricate details about teeth and their…

Here is the simplest pranayama exercise with many benefits. Yoga Yatra (17 July 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev talks about the easiest way to breathe. It…

Kapalbhati for Weight Loss? Baba Ramdev shared information. Yoga Yatra (15 July 2021)

Baba Ramdev is telling everything about the need of Kapalbhati for the human body. He explains…

What should be the duration of daily pranayama? | Yoga Yatra (14 July 2021)

Yes, pranayama should be done daily but do all yogic practices of pranayama technique have any…

Best yoga asanas for glowing and glowing skin Yoga Yatra (06 July 2021)

In today’s Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev tells about all the yoga asanas that help in getting…