How May Respiratory Help in Weight Loss?

Along with lowering stress, correct respiratory can assist cut back meals cravings, emotional consuming, and weight…

Pranayama can also be done lying down. Yoga Yatra (20 October 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev explains everything about meditation and pranayama. Baba Ramdev…

Ujjayi Pranayama helps in curing thyroid problems; Here it is. Yoga Yatra (13 August 2021)

In today’s episode, Baba Ramdev is telling how to do Ujjayi Pranayama in the best way.…

How to do Sarvangasana? | Yoga Yatra (06 Aug 2021)

Baba Ramdev is telling about Sarvangasana and the correct procedure to do it. He explains how…

What is the correct gold position? | Yoga Yatra (05 August 2021)

Does your body hurt after waking up in the morning? Does your neck hurt after getting…

Take a look at pranayama exercises for varicose veins. Yoga Yatra (02 August 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev talks about pranayama practice for varicose veins. He…

Get rid of stress with these seven pranayamas. Yoga Yatra (31 July 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev talks about seven pranayama procedures that help relieve…

Ear Rogantak is the solution to all your ear problems. Yoga Yatra (30 July 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra Baba Ramdev Karna explains everything about Rogantak and Sheetkari Pranayama.…

Baba Ramdev suggested Pranayama for mental peace. Yoga Yatra (28 July 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev is advising to do Pranayama daily to attain…

How to do Ardh Chandrasana? | Yoga Yatra (27 July 2021)

In today’s episode of Yoga Yatra, Baba Ramdev explains all about the yoga pose called Ardha…