Heavy rain alert in 11 states including MP-Rajasthan: Monsoon will be kind for two days, Bhopal fell in two and a half hours of three and a half inches of water

Hindi news National Mumbai Kerala Rain News | IMD rain warning in Mumbai, Madhya Pradesh Delhi,…

Assam floods: 126 killed so far, 22 lakh affected; Officials said – the water level is decreasing

Hindi news National Assam Flood Landslide Status Update; 126 people died and 22 lakh people affected…

Rain in the country: Flood in Assam-Meghal, people upset due to pre-monsoon in Rajasthan; Heavy rain in Delhi from today

Hindi news National Assam Flood Landslide Status 2022 Update; 4000 villages affected, 43 dead New Delhi5…

Assam-Meghalaya floods kill 31 in two days: 19 lakh people affected in Assam, Agartala receives third highest rainfall in 60 years

Hindi news National IMD Rain Update; Assam Meghalaya Agartala flood landslide status latest news today 17…

16 killed in floods in Assam and Meghalaya: 1,700 villages flooded, government school bus stuck in floods in Karnataka

Hindi news National India Weather Updates; Karnataka Assam Meghalaya flood landslide status latest news today New…

Effect of pre-monsoon: 57 killed in 3 states including Bihar, 7 lakh people affected by floods in Assam; Rain warning till 21-24 May

Hindi News National Weather Alert Updates: Bihar Lightning Death, Karnataka Kerala Assam Flood Landslide Situation, Heatwave…

Somewhere rain and some heat: The situation worsens due to floods in Assam, mercury crosses 44 in Delhi-MP

Hindi News National Weather Updates: Kerala Assam Flood Landslide Situation, MP Rajasthan Heatwave Alert 3 minutes…

VIDEO of the MLA carrying on his back: Arrived to take stock of the flood, he was hesitant to fill the water, then the jawan picked it up and left it in the boat

Hindi News National Assam Flood Landslide Situation: BJP MLA Sibu Mishra MLA And Rescue Team’s Jawan…

Relief from heat can be given in 4-5 days: 2 killed due to heavy rain in Bengaluru, drizzle in Delhi; Alert issued in Kerala-Assam

Hindi News National IMD Weather Forecast Updates: Assam Flood Landslide Situation, MP Rajasthan Heatwave Conditions 4…

Flood havoc in Assam: Over 2 lakh people affected in 24 districts, 7 killed so far; Heavy rain alert in Kerala

Hindi News National Assam Flood Landslide Situation Update; 20 Villages Affected, Heavy Rain Alert In Kerala…