Benefits Of Walking: 8 Effective Tips To Increase Your Step Count

Walking is a simple yet effective form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits. From improving…

Office Exercises: 4 Desk-Friendly Stretches To Avoid Bad Postures And Stay Fit

Do you have a desk job where you are busy with your work for long hours?…

5 Deficiencies That Show Up As Various Bodily Symptoms

Nutritional Deficiency: A balanced diet is essential for the overall health of a person. Any dietary…

DNA Linked With Physically Active Lifestyle, Says Research

Researchers from Uppsala University identified DNA regions connected with physical activity or leisure screen usage in…

Changing food patterns are a cause of concern among children

Change in food patterns has played an important role in making children overweight and obese as…

Opt for a healthy lifestyle to avoid diabetes: Study

In the young population, arterial stiffness, a new risk factor for hypertension, raises blood pressure indirectly…

Obesity could cause damage than you think, says study

Obesity increases the chance of a sugar metabolism imbalance and potentially diabetes. A study group at…

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart diseases: Study

According to new research published in the American Heart Association`s flagship journal Circulation, engaging in moderate…

Want to live longer? Relax more

According to a recent study led by researchers at the National Cancer Institute, a division of…

Don’t pop that zit: 10 effective home remedies for acne

We’ve all been there! A pimple pops up seemingly overnight and you need to get rid…