Symptoms of Omicron infection in people who have received a normal Kovid-19 vaccine

In the third wave of COVID-19 led by the Omicron version of the virus, many people contracted the virus, including vaccinated individuals. As the third wave was mild without any drastic consequences, many people let their guard down to do their routine work as before, going to markets, meeting people etc., making it a strong carrier of infection.

Although the symptoms may look like the common flu, it needs to be looked after. Apart from following the necessary COVID-19 measures of social distancing, wearing of masks etc., it is extremely important to have a comprehensive knowledge about the common symptoms.

Along with following all the precautionary measures and avoiding viral infections, here is a clear view about the common symptoms of infection that can occur even after vaccination.

Common symptoms of covid infection are runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches, chronic sneezing, headache, new cough and congested nose.

sore throatThe occurrence of sore throat is especially observed during COVID infection. Vaccinated or not, many people suffered a ‘scratch’ with pain. Since the advent of the coronavirus disease, this has been one of the major symptoms that people first notice.

HeadacheHeadache: Like the common cold, headache also comes with infection. There can be many reasons for headache but if one is suffering from headache along with other infectious symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor and get tested immediately.

running noseOne of the most common symptoms is a runny nose. A 2021 report from the ZOE COVID Study suggests that when the positive rate of a viral infection is low, it is less likely that it is a symptom of COVID.

muscle pain: Irrespective of immunization status, during the third wave, body aches and muscle pains occurred in most of the cases.

Frequent sneezing: The ZOE COVID study showed that vaccinated people were reported to suffer more from symptoms of uncontrolled or chronic sneezing.

new cough: Cough remains a constant symptom of covid during all types of waves.

blocked nose: Another most common symptom, a congested nose, was also found in the jab population.

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