Sunil Gavaskar wants India to remember ECB’s gesture

Legendary Sunil Gavaskar has hailed the BCCI’s proposal to reschedule the canceled Old Trafford Test, saying India should never forget England’s gesture to return to complete the tour, which was played in Mumbai in 2008 on 26/11. It was stopped midway due to terrorist attacks.

The fifth Test between India and England was called off hours before its start on Friday due to a COVID-19 outbreak in the visiting team’s camp, which made Indian players reluctant to play for fear of a positive result. Which could lead to a 10-day separation and the nightmare of scheduling the Indian Premier League.

Officials from both the BCCI and the England Cricket Board (ECB) later announced that the match would be rescheduled as a one-off game at a later date, but the decision is yet to be made official.

“Yes, I think (rescheduling the canceled Test) would be the right thing to do. Look, in India we should never forget what the England team did after the horrific 26/11 attack in 2008. They are back,” Gavaskar told Sony Sports, the official broadcaster of the series.

“They would be totally entitled to say ‘We don’t feel safe. We’re not coming back’.”

The visiting England team was playing an ODI against India in Cuttack on 26 November when terrorists attacked Mumbai, leading to the cancellation of the last two ODIs of the seven-match series.

England took the home lead immediately, but later returned for two Test series, which India won 1–0.

Gavaskar said that the then captain Kevin Pietersen was instrumental in the decision to return England for the Test matches.

“Never forget that Kevin Pietersen led the team, and he was the main guy. If KP had said, no, I don’t want to go, it would have ended.”

“It was because KP was ready to go and he convinced the others, the team came and we had that great Test match in Chennai where India chased down 380 to win on the last day,” said the legendary batsman.

Gavaskar termed the BCCI’s offer of rescheduling as “great news” and said the canceled Test could be held next year after the Indian Premier League.

“Don’t forget, the ECB’s gesture has to be remembered,” he said.

“It is fitting that the BCCI now says, right next year, we are still coming to England. I think there will be a little lean period. I think IPL will be over by early June. So they have enough time to go before a few days, depending on whether we still have Covid and all the restrictions and maybe play a Test match earlier or later,” Gavaskar said.

“There is great news coming that BCCI will make up for it. That’s exactly what the connection between the boards should be.”

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