Subtle signs he is abusing you emotionally – Times of India

Emotional abuse is a way of controlling another person by using emotions to criticize, shame, shame, blame, or otherwise manipulate another person. A relationship can be recognized as emotionally abusive if a consistent pattern of abusive words and bullying behavior affects a person’s self-esteem and undermines their mental health. Emotional abuse can result in feelings of worthlessness, trust issues, trouble expressing feelings, sleep disorders, trouble developing relationships with others, etc. In addition, it is extremely difficult to recognize emotional abuse. Thus, here is a look at the subtle signs that he is abusing you emotionally.

1. He jokes at your expense
It’s harmless when he teases you once about how much you spend on things. However, making fun of you in public when you’re out with friends or making you feel about yourself when you’re trying to enjoy and have a good time.

2. He yells at you constantly
No matter what the reason, yelling makes the recipient feel bad and underestimated. If your relationship hasn’t matured enough to start yelling and communicating in a gentle and understanding manner, chances are he may be emotionally abusive.

3. He’s Disrespectful To You During A Fight

If the words he uses during fights portray you as a villain or a person with low intelligence is unnecessary and cruel. Even though you may not be offended by it, your partner is not using any words that are offensive in themselves.

4. He Makes You Feel Like a Kid

Even if you are older than him, or even more successful than him, he somehow makes you feel as if you have no say in matters. They believe you are immature to handle things. For example, he tells you where you will celebrate your anniversary without even listening to you.

5. He makes fun of your looks

When he was trying to impress you, he was full of compliments and nice things to say about you. But he takes you lightly now and always puts you down. He’s being mean when he constantly asks questions about your fashion choices or how you like to keep your hair.

6. He Never Listens To You
Even if you talk about something simple like your day at the office, he is focused on something else. And when you point it out to him, he behaves as if it’s no big deal, or that you’re being too boring.

7. He leaves the scene when he does not find a way
The moment he doesn’t get his way, he threatens to break up with you! This is normal childish behavior and it is a way of manipulating you and abusing you emotionally. However, the next time this happens, consider yourself broken. Good relationships don’t work like this.


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