‘Submit To Process Of Law…’: Punjab Police Chief As Amritpal Continues To Be On Run

Punjab police chief Gaurav Yadav on Monday said those wanted by law must submit to the process of law and the designs of miscreants, who are backed by Pakistan’s ISI, will not be allowed to succeed, as radical preacher Amritpal Singh are on constant attack. run. Yadav visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar on Monday. Talking to reporters there, he said that the police would catch whoever is wanted under the law and it would be better if such people surrender before the law.

Amid reports that Amritpal may have taken shelter at a religious place, the Director General of Police said that religious places should not be used for personal reasons. “Religious places should not be misused,” he said. The Punjab police chief further said that the hard-earned peace in the state would not be allowed to be disturbed. “The miscreants, who have the support of foreign forces and Pakistan’s ISI, will not be allowed to try to disturb peace in Punjab,” Yadav said, adding, “The situation in Punjab is quite normal.”

“I want to tell our Punjabi brothers living in America and Canada that there is complete peace in Punjab. Rule of law. You can come and see for yourself. You talk to your relatives here. If you have any misconception ” About Punjab, then they should clear it,” he said. Apparently referring to Khalistan supporter Amritpal, who had been evading the police since March 18 when action was initiated against him and his associates Yadav said, “Whoever needs the law should submit to the process of law and everyone has a legal right. And there is a legal process.” The SHO also appealed to the people not to pay heed to rumours. “We will maintain peace in Punjab. We will deal strictly with miscreants,” he said.

When asked to comment on reports of Amritpal surrendering, the DGP said, “Whoever is wanted by the law, we will catch him. It is better that such people surrender before the law.” Amritpal Singh had escaped arrest by the police on March 18 in Jalandhar district by swapping vehicles and changing appearances. He and his associates have been booked under several criminal cases relating to promoting enmity between classes, attempt to murder, assault on police personnel and obstructing public servants in lawful discharge of duty.

Later, in a tweet, the DGP said that he reviewed the security arrangements for the Baisakhi festival. “Today, I paid obeisance at Sri Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and prayed for peace and harmony in the state. Reviewed security arrangements for upcoming Baisakhi celebrations. Punjab Police will keep Punjab safe,” the DGP tweeted.