Struggling To Store Coriander For Long? Follow These Effective Tips

Last Update: January 23, 2023 at 6:40 pm

Coriander, mint or fenugreek leaves will stay fresh longer if you store them in Tupperware lined with tissue inside the fridge.

Coriander, mint or fenugreek leaves will stay fresh longer if you store them in Tupperware lined with tissue inside the fridge.

If you know how to store this delicious and super-healthy herb properly, it can last for more than a week.

Who wouldn’t enjoy a free bundle of fresh coriander and green chillies at the vegetable market? We all do. Coriander enhances the taste of food, be it curry, rice or namkeen. It not only adds flavor but is also incredibly healthy. Keeping these herbs fresh for a long time is a difficult task. If your fresh herbs or coriander wilt and wilt or dry up after a few days, that rotten bunch usually ends up being thrown away, which in turn leads to wastage. But if you know how to properly store this delicious and super-healthy herb, including parsley, mint, basil and sage, it can last for more than a week.

Here are simple and practical tips and tricks to store fresh coriander for longer.

1. The whole bunch must be dry-cleaned first. It should be washed thoroughly at least thrice and then the water should be removed using a strainer. Keep it in the sun until the water is completely gone. Coriander, mint or fenugreek leaves will stay fresh longer if you store them in Tupperware lined with tissue inside the fridge.

2. Place coriander in a zip-top bag or reusable plastic bag. Never leave it open, close it properly. This will ensure that there is no water in the plastic bag and this will keep the coriander fresh for at least two weeks. Check it daily.

3. When drying coriander under a fan before keeping it in the refrigerator, cotton cloth is preferred over tissue. It can stay fresh for a week.

4. Coriander stalks should be cut, wrapped in paper napkins, and kept in an airtight container of glass or plastic in the refrigerator.

5. Remove the weeds and grass, cut the roots, wash it, spread it on the table for a while, and then store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The freshness of coriander remains for a week.

6. While drying the coriander under the fan before keeping it in the fridge, cotton cloth is preferred instead of tissue.

7. Wrap the coriander in muslin, brown paper or cling film. It will stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to a week, but if you use cling film, make sure there is no way for air to get in and keep the moisture inside.

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