Steve Jobs wanted to launch an affordable ‘iPhone Nano’ – Times of India

epic games vs Apple The test is revealing more details about Apple’s past than ever before. Recently it was revealed that Apple’s marketing chief Phil Schiller Suggested to reduce the App Store commission that Apple charges developers from 30% to 20%. This information has come to light from a 10-year-old email presented in court to Epic Games.
Now, in another interesting email revealed by The Verge, Apple was planning to launch an “iPhone Nano”. Steve Jobs Was really interested in launching a smaller and cheaper version of iPhone 4 back in 2010.
The email doesn’t reveal much about the Nano iPhone, but according to The Verge, there is “a bullet for an “iPhone Nano plan,” a sub-bullet for its “cost target,” and another sub-bullet indicating it. that “Jonny,” possibly Jony Ive, former design chief at Apple, “will show the model (and/or rendering).”
The report said it was an indicator that said: “Make a low-cost iPhone model iPod Touch to replace 3GS. Now, this device can be an iPhone or any other device.
For iPhones, Apple has used the “Mini” branding while “Nano” reminds us of the iPod. Jobs also reportedly talked about a “Super Nano” device in his email, which is expected to be “an improved version of the iPod nano, which was on track for release in the first half of 2008.”
Meanwhile, in another email, Schiller asked if Apple could continue the “70/30 split” forever. The split refers to the 30% fee that Apple charges developers for paid apps, in-app purchases, as well as subscriptions. While Schiller made it clear that he is a “staunch supporter” of the fees, he did not believe the 30% cut could remain “unchanged forever”.
Epic Games has dragged Apple to court claiming that Apple’s rules are competitive and unfair which has led to a loss of revenue. Apple has pulled Fortnite out of the App Store after Epic Games added its own payment system, bypassing Apple. A separate payment mechanism meant that Epic Games didn’t have to pay commissions to Apple at all, something that went completely against the iPhone maker’s policies.


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