State government will verify the allegations in the NHRC report, the police will investigate the veracity of the Human Rights Commission report – News18 Bangla

#Kolkata: The investigation team of the Human Rights Commission has filed a report in the Calcutta High Court alleging the post-poll violence in the state. The state administration wants to confirm the allegations made in the report. State Home Secretary BP Gopalika had given the same instructions to the SPs and Police Commissioners of all the districts, including the Director General of Police of the state, through video conferencing on the same day.

According to sources, the Home Secretary told the police officers, “You should also look into the allegations made by the National Human Rights Commission regarding the violence in the elections.” Verify its authenticity. Read the required report. Give us their report. According to sources, the state administration is preparing to retaliate for every incident mentioned in the commission’s report.

Following the High Court order, a special committee of the Human Rights Commission submitted a report on the post-election violence. The report alleged that there is no rule of law in the state, but the rule of law. The report also claimed that if this situation does not change, the death knell of democracy will sound in the state. Many serious allegations have also been made in the report at the ground level. The Inquiry Committee of the Human Rights Commission of Leaders and Ministers also listed them as ‘notorious crooks’. The list included minister Jyotipriya Mallick, MLA Perth Bhowmick, Trinamool leader Sheikh Sufyan and many others. A CBI inquiry into the post-poll violence has also been recommended.

Naturally the state government and the ruling Trinamool Congress are upset with the report. The state government has repeatedly claimed that strict measures have been taken to maintain law and order after the Election Commission took over the state administration from the Election Commission. The police administration has taken a strict approach to prevent violent incidents, irrespective of party affiliation. State 7 also claimed that there was no post-election violence in the state after the swearing-in of the government, but the Human Rights Commission reports Now, this demand has come under the scanner of the state, so this time the state administration has started trying to answer by verifying the veracity of the allegations made in the report.

The ruling Trinamool Congress has already questioned the objectivity of the Human Rights Commission report. The BJP has hit back at the Mamata Banerjee government over the law and order situation.

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