Spider-Man No Way Home picture leaked: Pictures of Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire in one frame go viral

spider man no way home photo leaked
Image Source: Twitter/Bonkapota

spider man no way home photo leaked

If you are a fan of the Spider-Man movies, you must be aware of the hype surrounding Spider-Man: No Way Home. The film is said to be a reimagining of the three Spider-Mans from the Marvel Cinematic Universe – Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire. While there is no official confirmation about the same, an alleged leaked picture has raised the anticipation of the reunion. In the leaked picture, the three actors can be seen together in a single frame. This picture has gone viral on social media and is being shared on the fan page.

Along with this, another photo shows Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan with Marisa Tomei as Aunt May. Things got more interesting when Charlie Cox made an appearance in the frame. He is best known for playing Daredevil in the hit Netflix series. The actor is seen wearing a gray suit, red glasses and a stick in his hand in his statement. The pictures going viral have ‘The John Campia Show’ watermark. Check out the leaked pictures of Spider-Man: No Way Home here:

Maguire played Peter Parker from 2002 to 2004; Garfield took over as the web-slinger superhero in the franchise reboot from 2012 to 2014. Holland made his first on-screen appearance as Spider-Man in 2016.

It was also recently reported that actor Benedict Cumberbatch would reprise his role of wizard superhero Doctor Strange in the third part of the revived “Spider-Man” franchise.

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” follows “Spider-Man: Far From Home” (2019). The film is directed by Jon Watts and stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker and his superhero, with Zendaya as Parker’s girlfriend MJ, Acob Batten as Peter Parker’s friend Ned, Jamie Foxx as Electro, and Dr. Strange as Benedict Cumberbatch. The film is scheduled to release on December 17 this year.
