special | Mobile tower equipped with high-end technology to block signals in Tihar Jail

Tihar Jail Mobile Towers
Image Source: PTI

The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it is “a state of forgiveness” in Tihar Jail which has become a haven for criminals and murders.

In the light of reports of several incidents, many major changes are taking place in Tihar Jail, due to which the authorities have installed mobile towers in the jail premises. Whether it was Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who was extorting 200 crores from jail through spoofing, or the Chandra brothers who also volunteered in Tihar Jail, indiscipline was often seen.

The biggest reason for all this was the accessibility of mobile phones in the jail. Mobile phone was misused from Tihar.

In Tihar Jail, three big mobile towers have been installed not for giving signals but for jammers.

These are no ordinary jammers, but are equipped with high technology. While the normal jammers restrict the phone signal in a limited area, these three towers will block any mobile phone service in Tihar Jail.

For example, if a big high profile prisoner or terrorist in Tihar asks for a mobile phone in any way, then these three big towers will block the signal of the device. These towers will take 15 to 20 days to be commissioned.

Recently, inmates in the jail premises earned crores of rupees by giving bribe through mobile phones. The establishment has been authorized by the Delhi Government and Tihar Administration. Through this, the business of mobile phones outside will be banned.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court on Wednesday said it is a “sorry situation” in Tihar Jail, which has become a haven for criminals and murders, while asking the Home Ministry to take immediate steps on prison reforms and enhance management. is directed.

Read also: Sorry the situation in Tihar Jail, the murders happening in jail, says SC; MHA report sought

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