Spaces: Twitter now allowing all users to host Spaces – Times of India

New Delhi: Twitter launched its club house Rival — empty space Last year. Twitter Space Allow users to have real-time audio conversations. It also offers reaction emoji, the ability to share tweets, and more.
Earlier this year, Twitter allowed users to host Spaces that have more than 600 followers. However, now the social networking giant is allowing all its users to host a space.
NS Android And iOS Users will now be able to host Spaces even if they have less than 600 followers. The Space team posted a tweet and informed the users about this new change.
The company tweeted, “The time has come – we’re now rolling out the ability to host Spaces for everyone on iOS and Android, if this is your first time hosting, welcome! Here’s a refresher on how.” ”

Recently, Twitter rolled out a feature for Spaces that will tell hosts if anyone following them is participating in Space audio conversations. Earlier, Twitter only showed the space in the timeline when a contact was hosting the space. With the new feature, users are able to see when the person they follow has turned to Space.
The microblogging platform has also added a new ability for its users to control who can see their listening activities. This means that if a user does not want to share which locations he is participating in with a follower, he can turn off this feature.
To do this, go to the “Settings & Privacy” menu. Here, look for “Privacy & security” and navigate to Space. Then, turn off the “Let followers see which spaces you’re listening to” option.
Turning this off will hide your Spaces activity from your followers. However, people in the location you’re participating in will still be able to see your presence in the chat room.
