Songs that go straight to your heart – Prince Sahu

companion material

OI-OneIndia Staff


Published: Saturday, December 18, 2021, 8:51 [IST]

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Musician Prince Sahu is active in this field since the age of 15. He is constantly striving to compose new tunes and everything he sings comes straight from his heart. Those impeccable pieces of music often felt like youth and knowledgables.

Songs that go straight to your heart - Prince Sahu

Prince Sahu feels that it is his responsibility that the songs written or sung by him should not be taken as a negative possibility and in this fast era of technology and social media Prince Sahu feels that he should be able to express his thoughts and songs. Should be able to uplift the society. Same.

Lucknow-born Rajkumar Sahu has always been inclined towards music and song lyrics and has been singing his own songs and songs from a very young age. Prince Sahu was quite famous in his field and people used to watch him for entertainment and Prince Sahu ensured that he is always seen as an icon for the youth and society as well.

Right now the 25-year-old is busy writing songs for his new album which is yet to release in February 2022 and the audience is eagerly waiting to hear him in his latest track.

Story First published: Saturday, December 18, 2021, 8:51 [IST]