Solar Eclipse 2021: The last solar eclipse of the year will take place in December, know its effect

Surya Grahan: According to the Hindu calendar, the second solar eclipse in 2021 will take place on the new moon day of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month on December 4. The solar eclipse on the new moon of Krishna Paksha affects all the 12 zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces.

Rahu-Ketu Relation With Surya Grahan

Solar eclipse is closely related to Rahu and Ketu. According to mythology, when Lord Vishnu asked the deities to churn Kshir Sagar (the ocean of milk), the demons also reached there. He also asked Manthan to take part of the nectar.

Lord Vishnu had already warned the deities not to let the demons drink the nectar. On hearing this, a demon disguised himself and sat among the gods. During the nectar distribution the Moon and Sun gods recognized this demon and informed Lord Shiva. The demon had drunk the nectar, however, before reaching his throat, Lord Vishnu severed his head from the ‘Sudarshan Chakra’.

The nectar did not come out of his throat and his head became immortal. Thus the head became immortal in the form of Rahu and the trunk as Ketu. Over time, Rahu and Ketu found a place under the shadow of the Moon and the Earth. It is believed that since then Rahu has aversion to the Sun and the Moon, which is why a solar eclipse occurs.

‘Sutak period’ during solar eclipse

According to mythological belief, the ‘Sutak’ period is valid only in the event of a total solar or lunar eclipse. No auspicious work can be done during this time. This solar eclipse is the shadow of the sun, so ‘sutak’ will not be valid, but the doors of the sanctum sanctorum of the temple will remain closed and pregnant women are advised to take special precautions inside the house.

The last solar eclipse of the year falls on the new moon day of Kartik Krishna Paksha on 4 December. Two big planets Mercury and Moon are also going to set during this solar eclipse. Also Rahu-Ketu will also be retrograde. This change in the position of the planets will definitely have some effect on all the zodiac signs.
