Sjoerd Marijne’s final payment was withheld but Dutchman says problem almost solved now

Former women’s hockey team head coach Sjoerd Marin’s “full and final” salary was withheld on Hockey India’s recommendations after she was denied a ‘no objection certificate’ for failing to return her official laptop, Which, according to the Dutchman, is now on its way to India. According to Sports Authority of India (SAI) sources, Marin’s six days’ salary, which is USD 1,800, is on hold. His tenure came to an end after India finished a reliable fourth at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The SAI source said it was Hockey India that reported the matter as the laptop contained all the data about the members of the women’s hockey team. Marijne, based in Den Bosch, said she wanted to repair it after it broke down in August. Took it with me and now sent it back.

A source in SAI told PTI, “All his dues were cleared by 31st July 2021 and only USD 1800 is pending with us for his working days from 1st August to 6th August, which we will take as a contract. Will clarify after getting official laptop as per. .

“SAI stopped his pending payment after receiving an official intimation from Hockey India, which advised us not to give him NOC as he still has not submitted his official laptop.”

However, the SAI source said that as soon as they get the official laptop, they will clear the payment.

When contacted, Marijne told PTI from Den Bosch in the Netherlands that he expects a “full and final” agreement with his former employer to be completed by next week.

“If you ask about my dues, there is a huge amount pending with SAI. But I am in constant touch with the officials of SAI and they have assured me that as soon as they receive the official laptop (full final payment) it will be cleared.

“What actually happened was that during the Olympics my laptop given to me by the employer was destroyed and when my contract expired I brought it with me to the Netherlands for repairs but it did not happen.

“So, I sent the laptop back to India and I think they will get it by this week,” he said.

“I had a very happy and successful association with India and the officials of SAI and SAI have ensured to me that they will clear my dues as soon as they receive the laptops. So I’m not bothered at all.”

The Indian women’s hockey team surprised everyone by finishing fourth in the quadrangular event under the guidance of Marijne.

On their return home, the team members were accorded a grand welcome from all sides with cash prizes being awarded by the Uttar Pradesh government to the team members in Lucknow on 19 August.

The UP government gave Rs 50 lakh to each member of the women’s hockey team and Rs 10 lakh to the support staff, but Marijne could not attend the ceremony due to her personal commitments and is still waiting for her reward. .

“Yes, I am also in touch with the UP government officials. Actually, I could not attend the event and hence there were some issues with my bank account details, which have now been resolved.”

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