Sister cried seeing the name of the martyr Captain: had reached the National War Memorial to pay tribute to the martyrs; Didn’t know brother’s name is here too

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  • National Wal Memorial Delhi | Sister Got Emotional To See Brother Captain Kd Sambyal Name At National War Memorial

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At the National War Memorial in Delhi, a woman became so emotional after seeing the name of her martyr brother written there that she started crying there. The video of this emotional moment has gone viral on social media. In fact, the sister of martyr Captain KD Sambyal had come to pay tribute to the martyrs at the Shagun War Memorial, but she did not know that the name of her martyr brother has also been written among the 13,300 martyrs written on this memorial.

Let us tell you that in the National War Memorial built in the National Capital, the names of all those martyred soldiers have been written in golden letters, who have given their martyrdom in military struggles since the independence of the country.

Captain KD Sambyal's name written in golden letters on the National War Memorial.

Captain KD Sambyal’s name written in golden letters on the National War Memorial.

Captain Sambyal was martyred in Operation Parakram
Captain KD Sambyal of 193 Field (Artillery) Regiment was martyred on the Line of Control (LOC) in Jammu and Kashmir during Operation Parakram in 2002. Operation Parakram was the codename for the deployment of the entire Indian Army along the border with Pakistan after the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001. This standoff of the Indian Army with Pakistan lasted for about 5 months. During this, Captain Sambyal was martyred in a skirmish with the Pakistani Army. Captain Sambyal was a resident of Samba district adjoining the LOC in Jammu and Kashmir itself.

Shagun’s husband shared the video
Her husband shared the video of Shagun crying after seeing the name of Captain Sambyal at the National War Memorial. Along with the video, he wrote, “Today suddenly a program was made to go to Delhi and while walking in Connaught Place, I asked my wife to walk to the National War Memorial.

Shagun’s husband further wrote, while we were taking photos of the names of Captain Vikram Batra and Major Ajay Singh Jasrotia, I asked my wife to find the name of Captain Vijayant Thapar. During this time he saw the name of his brother (Captain KD Sambyal) written in golden letters among all these names. He called out my name with great enthusiasm and said, look here is my brother’s name.

Shagun became emotional after seeing her brother's name written in the list of martyrs.

Shagun became emotional after seeing her brother’s name written in the list of martyrs.

The family did not even know that here is the name of Captain Sambyal.
Shagun’s husband further wrote, Shagun had no idea about this (about the name of Captain Sambyal being written), nor did his family know about it. She became very surprised and emotional on this occasion.

This video has been shared fiercely on social media
This heart-wrenching video has gone viral on social media. It has seen more than 1.3 crore people, while more than 9 lakh people have liked it. More than 3,000 people have also commented on the video and thanked Captain Sambyal for his sacrifice.

Shagun Sambyal showing brother's name at the National War Memorial.

Shagun Sambyal showing brother’s name at the National War Memorial.

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