Single use plastic ban from today: effect on 19 things including plastic flags, balloon sticks; 7 years imprisonment for making or selling, 1 lakh fine

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  • Effects on 19 things, including plastic flags, balloon sticks; Imprisonment for 7 years for making or selling, 1 lakh fine

New Delhi11 minutes ago

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The central government has banned single use plastic from July 1. Single use plastic means such things made of plastic, which we use only once, it is being completely banned. Manufacturing or selling a banned product will attract a jail term of 7 years and a fine of up to Rs 1 lakh under Environment Act Section 15.

Why ban on single use plastic is necessary?
Single use plastic is the biggest reason for spreading pollution in the country. According to the central government, more than 30.59 lakh tonnes of single use plastic waste was generated in the country in 2018-19 and 34 lakh tonnes in 2019-20. Items made of single-use plastic are neither decomposable nor can they be burned, as it releases harmful gases from toxic fumes. In such a situation, storage is the only way apart from recycling.

What is an alternative to single use plastic?
When single use plastic is banned, there can be different options for different things. For example, instead of plastic straws, paper straws. Similarly, ear buds made of bamboo, ice cream sticks made of bamboo, flags made of paper and cloth, traditional earthen utensils etc. can be used instead of single-use plastic.

Environment experts believe that the single-use plastic ban will be successful only when there is awareness among the common people and instead they have other options available. Apart from this, such plastic should be used, which can be easily recycled.

Single use plastic is banned in these countries of the world
Many governments around the world are taking tough decisions against single use plastic. Taiwan banned plastic bags, straws, utensils and cups from 2019. South Korea banned the use of plastic bags in major supermarkets. Violators of this ban are fined around Rs 2 lakh. Bangladesh also banned single use plastic in 2002. In Kenya, UK, Taiwan, New Zealand, Canada, France and the US, single-use plastic has also been banned with certain conditions.

Enzyme to decompose plastic that expires in 500 years in a week

American scientists have discovered a solution to eliminate the most dangerous plastic pollution for the environment. An enzyme discovered by researchers from the University of Texas in the US will mix plastic waste into the soil in a week. (Click to read the full report…)

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