Signs of toxic texting – Times of India

When a relationship becomes toxic, it affects both people equally. In addition, the chronic emotional and mental stress of being surrounded by a toxic person can take a toll on your mental health. You may find yourself feeling isolated, sad, stressed, not good enough, and worthless. These thoughts and feelings can also lead to eating disorders and mental health disorders. Furthermore, poisoning is not limited to just a few physical or mental actions. This is also reflected in the way people talk through messages. Here’s a look at the signs of toxic texting.

1. There are certain rules you follow when texting
Texting happens naturally in normal relationships. However, in a toxic one, texting your partner can seem like it’s more of a game that requires a lot of strategy and calculations. Thus, if you feel that you need to think a lot and follow certain rules while messaging your partner, then something is not right. Messaging is about communication, not about playing mind games.

2. You Feel Pressure to Respond Immediately

No matter how busy or busy you are, if your partner expects you to respond the moment your phone beeps, you could be with a toxic person. You have your own life and it is not possible for you to be glued to your phone all the time. If they expect you to respond quickly, they don’t respect your time, career, and personal space.

3. They Intentionally Ignore You
It’s natural for toxic partners to seek revenge by intentionally not responding to you because you couldn’t do it before. They can create fantasy and drama by ignoring you and keeping quiet on the phone. If such behavior becomes a habit, you may have a toxic partner.

4. Your partner messages you constantly
It’s a big red flag if your partner constantly texts you when you’re busy and unable to respond. This can often lead to stress and anxiety. This can also lead to a lot of anger and frustration in your partner, which is not healthy at all.

5. They gaslight you digitally
A toxic partner has the ability to manipulate your smartphone and other devices in order to have more control over you. They can delete a few names for the contact list, delete messages from your inbox and media from the gallery, or they can reply to messages from other people pretending to be you. The worst part is that they’ll convince you they didn’t.

6. They take over your device
A toxic partner may confiscate your phone by claiming that you are addicted to it. Although they may seem anxious, loving, or hurtful, these are all strategies to control and isolate you. All they want is to stop your communication with others.


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