Sidhu Moose Wala’s father left behind in car with security personnel, but ‘it was over within minutes’: FIR

Balkaur Singh, father of Shubhdeep Singh alias Sidhu Moose Wala, has filed a complaint with the Punjab Police that his son was threatened several times over the phone. He said that gangster Lawrence Bishnoi had threatened him several times and that is why he kept the bulletproof car.

Balkaur Singh said that on the unfortunate day, his son and two friends, Gurvinder Singh and Gurpreet Singh, did not take bullet proof and armed personnel with them.

Balkaur Singh mentioned that he was behind his son with two security personnel in a separate car and saw a sedan stopping Moose Wala’s Thar. He said that when Moose Wala’s car reached near Jawaharke village, a white colored Bolero car was already parked there in which four youths were riding.

Balkaur has written in the FIR that within a few minutes the four youths fired indiscriminately at his Thar and fled from there. “I reached the spot and raised the alarm. I took my son and his friends to the government hospital in Mansa, where my son Shubhdeep Singh died.

Balkaur urged Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann to order an inquiry into the murder of his son by a sitting High Court judge. Seeking justice for his son, Moosewala’s father Balkaur Singh demanded that the Punjab government should involve the CBI and the NIA in the investigation.

He also demanded a public apology from the DGP for linking his son’s murder to a gang war. It is learned that the family members of Musewala were not ready to conduct the post-mortem. In a letter to CM Mann, Singh blamed the alleged incompetence of the AAP-government for the incident.

“Shubhdeep’s mother is asking me where is her son and when will he return. What answer shall I give?” Singh said in an emotional letter. “I hope I get justice.”

Musewala was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Punjab’s Mansa district on Sunday. Musewala’s cousin and a friend, who were traveling with him in a Mahindra Thar jeep, were also injured in the attack.

The Punjab Police DGP had on Sunday said that the incident appeared to be a case of personal enmity and that Lawrence Bishnoi gang was behind Moosewala’s murder. At least three weapons were used and 30 empty cases were recovered from the site.

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