Side Effects of Coffee: Are you a coffee lover? Know the side effects of excessive consumption

New Delhi: Coffee is one of the popular drinks in the world. It is considered an effective remedy to eliminate fatigue and sleepiness and has proved to be very helpful for those who like to stay up late at night.

Excessive coffee can also have adverse side effects and may be more harmful than alcohol. Therefore, it is advisable to consume coffee in limited quantity.

Adverse effects of excessive coffee:

raise concern: Excessive consumption of coffee is often associated with anxiety. The caffeine present in coffee is known to increase alertness. It blocks the chemical adenosine present in your brain, which makes you feel tired. It would be better if you limit your coffee intake to one or two cups a day.

Insomnia: Coffee can definitely help you stay awake. However, students often overdo it by consuming excessive amounts of coffee, which can affect their sleep schedule and cause insomnia.

Addiction: Quitting coffee is more difficult than giving up alcohol. It is difficult to get rid of the ill effects of coffee. The caffeine in coffee triggers specific brain chemicals that are similar to those of cocaine and amphetamines, making it addictive.

Tiredness: It is advised not to drink coffee on an empty stomach as it can trigger the acid reflux. It’s true that caffeine is known to increase energy, but if you consume it in excess, this energy can lead to fatigue later on.

Disclaimer: Method described in this article, ABP News does not verify the methods and claims. These should be adopted only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult your doctor.

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