SHOCKING! Prince Harry claims his brother William knocked him to the floor over argument about Meghan Markle

In a shocking revelation in his autobiography, Prince Harry claimed his older brother Prince William – the Prince of Wales – physically assaulted him and knocked him to the floor over an argument over the younger prince’s wedding to actor Meghan Markle Gave. Prince William alleged that William called Meghan a ‘difficult, rude and abrasive’ woman. The younger brother said that William’s view was a parrot of the press story about his American wife.

The confrontation thus turned into a heated argument, which resulted in William grabbing Harry by the collar, tearing off his necklace and pinning him to the floor, The Guardian reported. Harry’s autobiography will release on January 10.

Earlier last week, Prince Harry said during a TV interview that he wanted his father and brother back and that he wanted a family, not an institution.

Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan have aired their grudges against the British monarchy since the couple stepped down as senior royals in 2020 and moved to California, where they now live on their own. Lives with two small children.

Harry, 38, has previously spoken about his rift with his father, King Charles III, and older brother, Prince William, since their departure from the UK.

Last month, Netflix released ‘Harry & Meghan’, a six-part series detailing the couple’s experiences leading up to their decision to make a fresh start in America.

In that documentary, Harry ranting about the way the royal press team was working and talking about how his relationship with William and the rest of the royal household had crumbled.

Meghan described wanting to end her life as she struggled to deal with toxic UK press coverage. (with agency inputs)