Shefali Shah Celebrates Son’s Graduation: Shares Emotional Rollercoaster Journey Of Firsts And Proud Moments

Bollywood actress Shefali Shah, who is known for her outstanding performance in the popular series, Delhi Crime, took to Instagram to celebrate her son Aryaman Shah’s graduation. It was a moment of pure joy that he shared with his followers. With heartfelt words, Shefali lovingly called Aryaman her “sunshine boy”. The excitement and anticipation for this day had long built up inside her, and finally, her heart was filled with immense pride and joy to see her son achieve this momentous milestone. In her lengthy post on Instagram, Shefali recalled her children’s childhood days, growing up years and all the moments in between.

Shefali Shah wrote, “When my kids were little, every moment was a new achievement. His first roll over on his stomach, his first crawl, his first steps, his first words. He tied his shoelaces for the first time. Many firsts and each one as special as the other. Then came the kids’ first day of school, fear flowing through tears for them and me, then colours, letters, poems, friends… I grew up with them.

He added, “But as they grew up, there weren’t too many firsts, yet every grade, every goal, every medal won, every meal they cooked, every laundry they did was just as important. Another step towards moving forward on my own.”

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Shefali Shah also mentioned in her post, “I have waited for this day and dreamed of it countless times but the higher I flew to see it grow its wings than I can ever tell. I am filled with pride and happiness that only my children can bring.

After the graduation ceremony, Aryaman proudly gave them a tour of his campus, showing them around the library, classrooms and his first residence. Although they had initially planned a celebratory dinner, they found that everything was closed. However, luck was on their side when they came across a small pizza place and turned it right there on the street into a spontaneous and joyous celebration, sharing laughter and food.

Check Out Shefali Shah’s Post:

The essence of their happiness is captured in the Instagram pictures, which not only feature Shefali and Aryaman but also her husband, filmmaker Vipul Shah, and their second son Maurya. The whole family jumps with joy celebrating Aryaman’s achievement.