Sex and the City fans can now visit Carrie Bradshaw’s Manhattan apartment built in London

fans of hit television shows sex and the City There is a reason to rejoice. The story, which was originally based out of New York, has now found a seed in London.

One Independent The report states that as the world gears up for the reboot of the show – titled ‘and just like that‘, which kicks off on December 19 – fans will also be able to visit a renovated version of Carrie Bradshaw’s Manhattan apartment in Covent Garden, London.

The London pop-up is a temporary experience that people will only be able to access for two days, starting December 11th – the day of the launch. It will be located in the Carriage Hall, and just like it was in the shows and movies, the remodeled apartment will have a version of Carrie’s walk-in closet, her desk where she typed furiously about her life and Wrote his columns and books, and his bed.

Reportedly, Polly Cochrane, WarnerMedia’s representative for the UK and Ireland, said, “We are extremely pleased to bring this pop-up installation to Carey’s apartment. sex and the City Fans are here in London to celebrate this incredible show. I am sure fans will love to see his famous apartment and I encourage everyone to book their time slot now.”

If you are in the city and want to have your very own carry experience, know that bookings have already started. While tickets are free, there is a booking fee of £5 (INR 499).

enough has happened SATC Fantasy around the world. For the longest time, the Manhattan apartment played an important role in the life of Carrie (played by actor Sarah Jessica Parker). It was here that she cried after every heartbreak, wrote about it, put on new clothes, and dreamed of a hopeful future with Mr. Big, who eventually married her.

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