Serbian President slams Scott Morrison on Novak Djokovic over Covid vaccine exemption saga – Henry Club

Serbian President Aleksandr Vucic is shot Australian Prime Minister as Scott Morrison Novak Djokovik The saga of exile continues.

After the arrival of the tennis superstar, he may be thrown out of the country next week Melbourne for the next Australia Open Late on Wednesday night without the correct visa, which was rejected by Border Force officials on vaccine exemption criteria.

Djokovic will spend the next four days in custody at a refugee detention hotel after the Federal Court adjourned his appeal to stay in Australia By Monday.

The Serbian president jumped to Djokovic’s defense and sang Mr Morrison as he accused the Australian authorities of a political witch hunt.

Novak Djokovic’s hopes of defending his Australian Open title are in jeopardy as his visa application was rejected by the authorities

“Not everyone is a political witch hunt, including the Australian prime minister, who pretends that the rules apply to everyone,” Vucic told reporters on Thursday.

He claimed that other tennis stars who were allowed to enter Australia with a medical exemption would now face additional scrutiny.

According to Tennis Australia boss Craig Tilly, only a few of the 26 players and support staff who applied for exemptions to participate in the Grand Slam were accepted.

The Serbian president called Djokovic’s behavior “discredited in the proper sense of the word”.

The star’s quest to defend the Australian Open title and become the greatest men’s tennis player of all time has been put on hold until his appeal is successful in week one of the Melbourne Park Grand Slam.

Serbian President Alexandra Vucic calls Australian authorities a political witch hunt for Djokovic’s treatment

Fans gather outside the quarantine facility where Novak Djokovic is detained

“I’m afraid this relentless political pursuit of Novak will continue until he proves something, because when you can’t beat someone you turn to things like this,” Vucic said.

Serbian officials are already in touch with the Australian ambassador, while Prime Minister Anna Brnabic expects to be in touch with a senior member of Australia’s Department of Home Affairs.

Vucic. have also been in phone contact with As a 20-time Grand Slam champion, Djokovic prepares to spend a conservative Christmas alone and in custody.

“I told my Novak that the whole of Serbia is with him, and our authorities are taking all measures to stop the harassment of the best tennis player in the world in the shortest possible time,” Vucic posted earlier on Thursday.

Novak Djokovic’s supporters sing songs and light candles outside the refugee detention hotel where he is currently staying

‘Serbia will fight for justice and truth for Novak Djokovic, in accordance with all norms of international public law.’

Serbian newspaper Novosti called the visa cancellation hypocritical, while the informer called it atrocity

Right-wing tabloid declared, ‘Police consider Novak greatest terrorist ever’.

Back in Australia, dozens of fans and Serbian Australians faced rain as they gathered to light a candle outside the Melbourne quarantine facility where Djokovic is believed to have been detained.

Many were clad in songs of Serbian flags, sand and pledged their support for world number one as a heavy police presence was seen.

A supporter of Serbia’s Novak Djokovic holds a placard at the hotel where the tennis champion is reported to be in Melbourne