Senior VR Head At Meta Quits, Calls The Company Inefficient

Last Update: December 19, 2022, 18:50 IST

Meta sees more high-profile exits

Meta sees more high-profile exits

Virtual reality is a major part of Meta’s focus on the creation of the Metaverse, and Carmack was a key part of this setup.

Meta continues to see senior people exit the company and the latest name will surely raise some concerns for Mark Zuckerberg & Co. John Carmack, Major technology The Office of Virtual Reality at META has stepped down from its role after 8 years. His parting words were aimed at the alleged inefficient practices at Zuckerberg and the company.

“We have a ridiculous amount of people and resources, but we constantly self-sabotage and waste effort. There is no way to sugarcoat this; I think our organization is operating at half the effectiveness it I would love to. Some may scoff and argue that we’re doing the right thing, but others will laugh and say “Half? Ha! I am at quarter efficiency” he said in a Facebook post.

Carmack talked about Meta’s huge potential in the VR field but lamented the fact that voice at the highest level hasn’t been persuasive enough to move the needle and propel the company to new heights. He also alluded to his non-cordial relationship with Zuckerberg, with notable differences between their strategies on various issues.

Carmack comes with a strong portfolio in VR with games like Doom and Quake under his belt, and having 8 years in the meta should see the company a huge success.

But his exit from Meta suggests Carmack wasn’t happy with the way the business was being run, especially over the past few months, when Zuckerberg was forced to pull the plug on several teams in the VR division because The increased cost is now causing further disruption. company.

Meta has fully invested its resources in building the Metaverse, a term coined to resonate with Zuckerberg’s mission. Social networking has slowly fallen out of fashion, and VR is poised to become the next playground, but its limitations due to hardware friction have slowed its progress in the market.

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