Save Soil Andolan ‘A Great Effort For Conservation…’: Rajnath Singh To Sadhguru

21 June 2022On the last day of his 100-day Journey for Soil, which also coincides with the International Day of Yoga, Sadhguru, Founder-Isha Foundation, addressed a soil save program at the Indian Air Force Base in Sulur, Coimbatore. Defense Shri Rajnath Singh as the special guest. Air Marshal SK Indoria, Air Vice Marshal S Srikanth, actress Tamannaah Bhatia were also present on the occasion.


Defense Minister credits Sadhguru for bringing in the spirit of Vasudev Kutumbkami

Addressing an audience consisting of Air Force personnel, the Defense Minister called upon Sadhguru to “bring to life the spirit of Vasudev Kutumbakam (the world is one family) to create a new environment, by bringing together a large number of people from across the world.” Credited. Speed.”

ALSO READ: This is when hard work begins: Sadhguru nears completion as 100 days ‘Journey to the Soil’ in Bangalore

Referring to the high position held by gurus in Indian culture, and those who guide us from darkness to light, the minister pointed out that Sadhguru would likewise contribute to human welfare by teaching people to live happier and more meaningful lives through yoga. contributing to. On the one hand, and on the other hand they are also motivating them to overcome the problems of the environment.

Rajnath Singh told soil ‘soul of our society and culture’

The Defense Minister forged a deep connection with Indian culture and called soil “the soul of our society and culture”, noting that protecting soil “is a noble endeavor to preserve human civilization and culture.”


Expressing concern over the fertile topsoil lasting only 60 more years, the Defense Minister praised the movement saying that “Save Soil Abhiyan brings a ray of hope, and instils confidence that millions of people who have done this work.” Having supported the cause, they will contribute to maintaining the earth.”

Sadhguru’s appeal to save soil from time

Speaking at his first event in Tamil Nadu, Sadhguru said that as a generation we stand at that juncture of time, “where if we act now in 10-15 years we can make a significant difference. If we wait another 25-30 years, even if we want, we cannot reverse it because biodiversity is being lost on that loss.”


Urging people’s support to bring about a change in national policy, Sadhguru argued that people should raise their voice for real sensible things in a democracy. As citizens of this country, we must “assure the elected governments that if you take long-term steps for the betterment of the nation, we are with you,” Sadhguru said.

Save Soil Andolan has sent out 193 unique soil policy booklets for each country

Sharing an update about the movement, Sadhguru shared that the movement has prepared 193 soil policy booklets specific to each country and based on each country’s latitudinal location, economic status, soil type and agricultural tradition, countries are classified as organic. to assist in formulating its policy for increasing agriculture. soil material.

After a solo motorcycle tour spanning 27 countries and traveling over 28,000 km in 100 days, attending 600+ events globally, Sadhguru returned to Tamil Nadu today. Thousands received them upon returning from an unprecedentedly successful mission of urging countries around the world to touch more than 3.2 billion people over the course of 3 months through policy-driven action to save soil from extinction.

Sadhguru entered Tamil Nadu via Sathyamangalam, where he was welcomed by traditional drummers near the Bannari temple. Sadhguru is expected to reach Adiyogi later today at 8:30 am where thousands of people from across Tamil Nadu are expected to attend the ceremonial welcome of Sadhguru at Adiyogi.

What is the Save Soil Movement?

In March, Sadhguru embarked on a solo motorcycle journey as part of the movement to save soil from extinction globally. The movement is urging countries around the world to urgently enact legislation to save the planet’s agricultural soils, 50% of which are already depleted and incapable of yielding.

The aim of the movement is to urge nations to mandate 3-6% organic content in agricultural soils around the world. It is the minimum organic material required to keep the soil fertile and fertile and prevent it from turning into sand.

Sadhguru’s journey to the soil began in London on March 21 and traveled through 27 countries across Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. Sadhguru also addressed the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP15) in Ivory Coast in May.

Delegates from 197 countries were present. In the same month, Sadhguru also spoke at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. At both events, Sadhguru urged political, business and cultural leaders to facilitate immediate and decisive policy-driven steps to halt the rapid desertification of the Earth. The UNCCD predicts that at current rates of soil erosion, 90% of the Earth could turn into a desert by 2050 – less than three decades from now.

So far 74 countries have pledged to save the soil from extinction. Sadhguru arrived in India on 29 May in the West Coast port city of Jamnagar in Gujarat, becoming the first state to sign a memorandum of understanding with Isha to save soil in the state.

Subsequently, seven more Indian states have signed MoUs to save soil in their states- Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. In Delhi, Sadhguru met the Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi on World Environment Day – June 5 – Seeking the support of the central government for the movement. The Prime Minister appreciated the efforts to save soil and assured full support of the government for the movement.

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