Russia Wants to Solve Conflict With Ukraine ‘Peacefully’: President Vladimir Putin

MoscowRussian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Moscow wanted to resolve the conflict in Ukraine peacefully but that Western countries had prepared a “different scenario” behind it, Reuters reported. Addressing the Federal Assembly, Putin said, “We were doing everything possible to resolve this problem peacefully, negotiating this difficult conflict peacefully, but behind our backs a very different scenario was being prepared.” was being done.” He further criticized the United States and said that only America has many military bases around the world.

“I want to emphasize that… no country in the world has as many military bases overseas as the United States of America. There are hundreds of them… around the world… the whole world has recognized them as fundamental have seen Russia withdraw from arms agreements, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. They unilaterally tore apart fundamental agreements that maintain world peace. Why did they do it? Simply because they could,” Reuters quoted Russian President quoting said.

“The elites of the West do not hide their objective…that is, they intend to turn a local conflict into a stage of global confrontation. That is exactly how we understand it and we will respond accordingly because this In case we are talking about the survival of our country. But they also cannot fail to realize that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield. Therefore, they are launching more and more aggressive information attacks against us are doing,” he said.

In the federal assembly, which brings together both chambers of the country’s parliament, Putin was expected to focus on economic and social issues and the Ukraine conflict. In his address, Putin said Russia has all the financial resources it needs to guarantee its national security and development despite Western economic sanctions, Reuters reported.

In a keynote speech to both houses of Russia’s parliament, Putin said Russian firms have rebuilt their supply chains and Moscow is working with other countries to build new payment systems and financial structures.

Talking about the conflict with Ukraine, Putin said that he has already said many times that Ukrainians have become hostages of the Kiev regime and its Western occupiers, who have effectively controlled this country in political, military and economic terms. captured from. He further stated that the current Ukrainian regime essentially serves third countries, not national interests.