Russia Ukraine War Live Updates: At the United Nations, Zelensky accuses Russian military of war crimes

Russia Ukraine War Live Updates
Image Source: AP

A woman walks next to a destroyed Russian armored vehicle in Bucha, on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine

Over the past few days, horrifying images of civilian massacres by Russian forces in Buka before being driven back from the outskirts of Kyiv have sparked global outrage and prompted Western countries to expel scores of Moscow diplomats and propose further sanctions. including a ban on the import of coal from Russia. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russians of horrific atrocities in Ukraine and asked the UN Security Council on Tuesday to immediately bring those responsible to war crimes charges before a tribunal set up in Nuremberg after World War II. should go. Zelensky, who appeared via video from Ukraine, said civilians had been tortured, shot in the back of the head, wells thrown down, their apartments blown up with grenades and lived in cars. was crushed by tanks.

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