Russia fires on Ukrainian forces with new T-14 Armata battle tanks

Russia has started using it New T-14 Armata battle tank The RIA state news agency quoted a source as saying on Tuesday “to fire on Ukrainian positions” but that they have not yet taken part in direct assault operations.

RIA said the tanks have been fitted with additional protection on their sides and the crews have carried out “combat coordination”. Training grounds in Ukraine,

The T-14 tank has an unmanned turret, in which the crew remotely controls the weapons from “a separate armored capsule located in the front of the hull”.

RIA reported that the tanks have a maximum speed of 80 kilometers (50 miles) per hour on the highway.

Reluctant Acceptance of the T-14

In January, British military intelligence reported that Russian forces in Ukraine were reluctant to accept the first tranche of tanks because of their “poor condition”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) listens to Andrei Terlikov, head of the Ural Transport Machine Building Design Bureau, as he unveils the Russian infantry fighting vehicle with the Armata universal combat platform and T-14 Armata main battle tank in Nizhny Tagil, Russia lets see. November 25, 2015. (Credits: Sputnik/Alexei Nikolsky/Kremlin via Reuters)

It also said that any deployment of the T-14 would be “a high-risk decision” for Russia, and would be taken primarily for propaganda purposes.

“Production is probably in the low tens, while commanders are unlikely to rely on the vehicle in combat,” the British military said.

“In eleven years of development, the program has been dogged with delays, reductions in planned fleet sizes, and reports of construction problems.”

The Kremlin ordered production of 2,300 tanks – first unveiled in 2015 – by 2020, but later extended this to 2025, according to Russian media reports.

Interfax news agency reported in December 2021 that the State Group Rostec Production had begun on some 40 tanks, with deliveries anticipated after 2023.