Russia fears capture of two US citizens in Ukraine

Two Americans who volunteered to support Ukraine have gone missing and are feared captive by Russia, officials and family members said on Wednesday.

The captive Americans would add another layer of complexity to the efforts of the United States, which is pumping billions of dollars into Ukraine but trying to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia.

American military veterans Alexander Drucke and Andy Huynh, who lived in Alabama, lost contact with their families after the war in Ukraine.

Drewke’s mother arrived earlier this week, said Terry Sewell, his local congressman.

“According to his family, he hasn’t heard from Drewke for several days,” Sewell said in a statement.

“We will continue to do everything in our power to help locate him and find answers for his family.”

White House spokesman John Kirby said he could not confirm the two Americans were missing, but added, “If it is true, we will do everything we can to get them back home safely.”

He said the United States discouraged Americans from traveling to Ukraine, which has endured a nearly four-month war against invading Russian forces.

“It’s a war zone. It’s war. And if you feel passionate about supporting Ukraine, there are many other ways to do that that are safe and effective,” Kirby told reporters.

The Telegraph, which first reported their disappearance, quoted an unnamed fellow fighter as saying the two men were captured after participating in a large Russian force during a June 9 battle northeast of Kharkiv went.

Drucke’s mother, Lois Drucke, said her son told her family that he was teaching Ukrainian soldiers how to use US-made weapons.

“Alex felt very strongly that he was trained in such a way as to help Ukrainians grow stronger and push Putin back,” she told The Washington Post, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two are believed to be the first Americans to be captured or harmed in Ukraine, which Putin attacked in February.

Two British civilians are reported to have been killed in the fighting and two other Britons are facing the death penalty after being captured and convicted as mercenaries by a pro-Russian court.

President Joe Biden earlier on Wednesday announced $1 billion in military aid to Ukraine, but said the US military would not directly engage Russia, a fellow nuclear power.