Ruckus in Rajya Sabha over Pegasus espionage case: Trinamool MP snatched paper from IT minister’s hand and tore it, minister could not even fulfill his point

  • Hindi News
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  • Rajya Sabha High Drama; Mamata Banerjee | TMC party MP snatches Pegasus statement from IT minister Ashwini Vaishnav

2 hours ago

Trinamool MP Shantanu Sen snatched the paper from his hand when IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnav stood up to give a statement in the Pegasus case.

Ruckus continues in both the sessions of Parliament during the monsoon session. On Thursday, opposition lawmakers demonstrated over several issues, including the Pegasus espionage scandal. Due to the uproar in the Rajya Sabha over the Pegasus issue, IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnav could not keep his word and had to shorten his speech. Even the matter reached a snag.

When the IT Minister stood up to make his point on the Pegasus issue, Mamata Banerjee’s party Trinamool MP Shantanu Sen snatched the sheet of his statement from the hand of the IT Minister and tore it in the air. During this, the IT Minister continued to speak in the midst of the uproar, but could not keep his word completely. After this a heated argument broke out between the MPs of BJP and Trinamool and marshals had to be called to handle the situation.

Thereafter, the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha were adjourned till tomorrow. This was the third time the House was adjourned. Earlier, when the proceedings started in the morning, due to the uproar, it had to be adjourned till 12 o’clock and then till 2 o’clock. On the other hand, due to the uproar in the Lok Sabha, the proceedings of the house were first adjourned till 4 pm and then till 11 am tomorrow.

BJP said – indecent behavior happened in the house
Talking to the media on the behavior of Trinamool MP, BJP MP Swapan Dasgupta said, ‘Indecent behavior has taken place in the house. You have the right to question the minister during his statement, but instead of a debate, what happened inside the house is a kind of nuisance? It is against all the rules. It should be completely condemned.

RJD said – the attitude of the minister is unfortunate
Regarding the incident in Rajya Sabha, RJD MP Manoj Jha says that the way the IT Minister gave a statement amid the uproar, it seems that the government only wants to make fun of the issues. This attitude of the minister was unfortunate.

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