RSS ने की मणिपुर में शांति की अपील: कहा- लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था में हिंसा और नफरत के लिए कोई जगह नहीं

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  • Manipur (Kuki vs Meitei) violence updates; Uddhav Thackeray Shiv Sena | JaiRam Ramesh

Imphal8 hours ago

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People paid tribute to the martyrs who were martyred for saving the unity and integrity of Manipur at Kekrupat in Imphal on Sunday.  - Dainik Bhaskar

People paid tribute to the martyrs who were martyred for saving the unity and integrity of Manipur at Kekrupat in Imphal on Sunday.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Sunday condemned the ongoing violence in Manipur. The union appealed to the government, including the local administration, police, security forces and central agencies, to take all possible steps to restore peace immediately. The violence that started on May 3 is still continuing in Manipur.

In a statement, RSS general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale called for necessary action to maintain peace and harmony in Manipur as well as ensure supply of relief materials to those displaced by the violence.

He emphasized that there is no place for hatred and violence in a democratic set up. Both sides should overcome the trust deficit that has led to the current crisis and start negotiations to restore peace.

The RSS also appeals to civil society, political groups and general public of Manipur to take all possible initiatives to end the present ‘anarchic and violent situation’ and ensure lasting peace and security of human life.

Hosabale said that the RSS stands with the more than fifty thousand displaced people and other victims in this hour of great grief.

Let us inform that more than 100 people have lost their lives in caste violence in Manipur. The state government has imposed curfew in 11 districts and suspended internet services.

CM from Manipur seeks help from CM of Mizoram
Manipur CM N Biren Singh has sought Mizoram CM Zoramthanga’s help in restoring peace in the state. Zoramthanga said on Twitter that his government was pained by the ongoing violence in Manipur and had taken some steps to end the violence. The Meitei people living in Mizoram need not fear. We will protect them.

I also told the CM of Manipur that we, the people of Mizoram sympathize with the Meiteis and that the government and the NGO have taken measures for peace and security.

People in Manipur wrote on their houses – this is the area of ​​Muslims, so that they can avoid violence

Out of Manipur's population of 3.2 million, Pangal Muslims are about 2.5 million.

Pangal Muslims are about 2.5 lakh in Manipur’s population of 3.2 million.

Amid the Meitei-Kuki violence in Manipur, people from the Muslim Meitei community (Pangal) have written outside their homes declaring themselves to be Muslims.

Kuki attackers don’t consider them as Meitei Hindus so they are doing this.

Pangal Muslims are about 2.5 lakh in Manipur’s population of 3.2 million. Ali of Kwakta village of Bishnupur says that we are worried about our lives.

Violence continues in the state for 46 days. On Friday night, the Army, Assam Rifles, Rapid Action Force and the state police conducted flag marches till midnight.

At the same time, Congress, NCP and Uddhav faction’s Shiv Sena have questioned the silence of PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah regarding Manipur violence.

Read the statements of the leaders of the opposition parties…

  • Congress: Jairam Ramesh said that 10 opposition parties of Manipur had written a letter to PM Modi on June 10 seeking an appointment. They are still waiting for a reply.
  • Uddhav Thackeray from Shiv Sena: The party wrote in an editorial in Saamana that Hindus are being killed in attacks by Kuki militants, but the BJP is keeping its eyes closed. Are they not Hindus?
  • Nationalist Congress Party (NCP): The party said that since May 3, more than 100 people have lost their lives in the violence in the state, but the BJP government at the Center and the Manipur government have not been able to restore peace so far.
The army took out a flag march in Imphal on Saturday night.

The army took out a flag march in Imphal on Saturday night.

Updates related to Manipur violence

  • 11 Kuki people were killed and 6 were injured in firing on the night of 15-16 June at Phougakchao in Bishnupur.
  • The mob tried to burn down the residence of BJP state president Sharda Devi and MLA Bishwajeet at Porampet.
  • Schools will be reopened in Manipur from June 21.
In response to the ongoing violence in Bishnupur, Manipur, a large number of people took out a torch procession.

In response to the ongoing violence in Bishnupur, Manipur, a large number of people took out a torch procession.

Now read 2 ground reports of Babita Mali and Satyanarayan Mishra Bhaskar from Manipur…

1. More’s Mini India in panic, business stalled

  • Moreh, the last town in Manipur bordering Myanmar, was founded by V. Sagar, leader of the Sunrise Youth Club in Tamil. This is the heart of Manipur. If More is sick, Manipur is also sick. Apart from Tamils, many communities including Bihari, UP, Marwari, Bengali, Punjabi and Jain live here. That’s why More is also called Mini India. But the way things are now, it is becoming difficult to live here.
  • A Hussain, 68, who lives in Moreh’s Tamil Sangam, says people are in panic. If the situation does not improve then they will be forced to migrate from here. A Hussain has an aluminum business, which he supplies to Myanmar.
  • Garments businessman Vishal Jaiswal, who lives in Lucknow, is also worried. He says that ‘40% of the people have already migrated from this area. Business is at a standstill for one and a half months. Schools are closed. The future of the children is looking bleak. It is becoming difficult to live without employment for a family of 6 people.
  • Rajkumari Devi is 50 years old who runs the sewing machine to feed the family. She was born here, but originally hails from Purnia, Bihar. He told that ration is available from Tamil Sangam, but how long will it last. If no solution is found for two months, then I will also have to migrate. Earlier, she used to earn 500-600 rupees daily from sewing machine. Now even earning Rs 100 is becoming difficult.
  • Tamil Sangam watchman Chinnu Muthu says that Kuki says don’t leave the house, we will not burn your house. But there are many Tamil and Madrasi houses next to Meetei’s house, will the fire not reach their house. Cookie did not answer this question. The township is getting empty.

What is Tamil Sangam? Tamil Sangam has been formed in Moreh involving several communities. This settlement is called the Tamil Sangam settlement. It houses Sri Angala Parameshwari Sri Muneshwar Temple built in South Indian style. The township has 1100-1500 families, of which 350-400 are Tamil-South Indian, 600 families from UP, Bihar and 80 families from Marwari, Punjabi, Jain, Odia and other communities.

Moreh is a big business hub of Manipur.  It is called the Gateway of South-East Asia.  It is 108 km away from Imphal.

Moreh is a big business hub of Manipur. It is called the Gateway of South-East Asia. It is 108 km away from Imphal.

2. Shortage of life saving drugs in the state
There is a shortage of life-saving medicines in about 10 areas due to jams on important roads. Due to the closure of the National Highway, the supply of all kinds of essential goods going from Guwahati has come to a standstill. Manipur is completely cut off from the rest of the country. More than 1000 trucks reaching the valley from National Highway-37 are unable to move forward.

ITLF’s Twitter account suspended
Twitter has suspended the Twitter handle of Myanmar-based and recently active tribal organization called Indigenous Tribal Forum (ITLF) in Manipur. There was a complaint against him for spreading hatred.

Read these news also…

Firing on security forces in Manipur: Attempt to loot weapons from police station; BJP office, house of MLA and woman leader attacked

The violence in Manipur since May 3 is still going on. There were 5 major different incidents on Friday night. At the same time, on Saturday, a crowd of hundreds of people tried to loot weapons at Iringbam police station in Imphal West, although the security forces chased them away. During this, firing was also done from the crowd. Read the full news here…

Mob torches Minister of State for External Affairs’ house in Manipur: 50 people hurl petrol bombs; 4 ministers-MLAs house attacked in 20 days

In Manipur late on Thursday night some people set fire to the house of BJP MP and Union Minister of State for External Affairs Rajkumar Ranjan Singh in Imphal. The minister was in Kerala at the time of the incident. Singh belongs to the Meitei community. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh said, it was very sad to see what happened last night. Singh said- I am surprised by the incidents of violence. Law and order has completely failed in Manipur. Read the full news here…

There is more news…