‘Rozgar Mela’ is proof of our good governance’: PM Narendra Modi interacts with newly-inducted recruits

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday (January 20) congratulated the new recruits inducted in various government departments and organisations. PM Modi had then said that lakhs more families are going to be recruited in government jobs in the coming days. The PM said that the ‘Rozgar Mela’ campaign has become the “hallmark of our good governance”. The Prime Minister said, “Rozgar Melas have become the hallmark of our good governance. It is a testament to our commitment towards delivering on our promises.” The job fair was conducted virtually and 71,000 appointment letters were distributed to the newly recruited recruits.

Lakhs more families will get recruited for government jobs in the coming days, he added. The job fair is being organized in BJP and NDA ruled states. Noting that even regular promotions were hindered in earlier times, the Prime Minister underlined that the Center has made changes in the government’s recruitment process, making it more streamlined and time-bound.

Also read: ‘Employment Fair’: PM Modi will distribute 71 thousand appointment letters on January 20

“Most of the recruits are members of the same family. Among them there are many youths who are the first members of their families to get government jobs. They are satisfied that their abilities have been respected because of the transparent and fair recruitment process. There was a time when even regular promotions were held up due to various reasons. There have been changes in the recruitment process of the central government. Now, the recruitment process in the central government is more time-bound and streamlined,” he said.

The Prime Minister said the new recruits would be “active participants in the journey to a developed India”. For those who have got the appointment letter today, it is a new journey in life. Being an important part of the government, you will be an active participant in the journey of a developed India,” said PM Modi in his address to the new recruits.

Reminding the recruits that employment in the government sector is referred to as a “service” and not a “job”, PM Modi said, “Like ‘the consumer is always right’ our mantra is ‘citizen always right’. With service spirit, we can create a positive impact on our citizens.” Prior to his address, the Prime Minister also interacted with recruiters from previous editions of the job fair and sought their feedback on the online platform iGOT Karmayogi.

The Prime Minister had launched “Rojgar Mela” last year to provide employment to 10 lakh people. Amid constant criticism from the opposition on the issue of unemployment, the PM today underlined his government’s efforts to create jobs in the last eight years.

In his address after appointment letters were given to over 75,000 people for various government jobs in the first tranche, PM Modi acknowledged the challenges faced by the economy across the world with many countries affected by record inflation and unemployment and said That India is making every possible effort to come out of the safe situation.

In the year 2022, on the occasion of Dhanteras, the Prime Minister had started the concept of employment fair at the central level. This was the beginning of the government’s campaign to provide 10 lakh jobs at the central level. Since then, the Prime Minister has addressed job fairs of the Gujarat, JK, and Maharashtra governments, and also launched a Karmayogi start-up module for online orientation courses for all new recruits in various government departments, while newly recruited Around 71,000 appointment letters have been distributed to the recruits.

(With inputs from ANI)