Root of Patiala Violence A rumour: Anti-Khalistan marches and Sikhs incited each other on demonstrations; then there was violence

Chandigarh14 minutes ago

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The root of Patiala violence is actually a rumour. Which some people spread. He lied about the anti-Khalistan march and the demonstration of the Sikhs. As a result, the Sikh organization and the Shiv Sena came face to face. The matter escalated from protest to stone pelting, swords and aerial firing. IG Rakesh Agarwal, who was removed from Patiala, also confirmed this. The police have also identified the rumor monger.

After the violence, the Mann government removed these two officers.

After the violence, the Mann government removed these two officers.

Police had stopped both of them, then such a bad thing
Police knew about Shiv Sena’s Khalistan Murdabad march in Patiala. There was also an awareness of the gathering of Sikh organizations in protest against this. The police spoke to both of them and stopped them from any kind of demonstration. In the meantime this mischief happened. Sikh organizations were told that Shiv Sena was taking out a march outside. However, at that time the Shiv Sena police had stopped in the office itself. After this, when Sikh organizations came out to see it, their video was recorded and sent to the Shiv Sena people. Due to this Shiv Sena felt that the police stopped us and Sikh organizations have been given permission to protest. After which he also came out.

On the aerial firing of the police, the Sikh protestor kept doing Bhangra by standing next to it.

On the aerial firing of the police, the Sikh protestor kept doing Bhangra by standing next to it.

The police finally lost trust
Police stopped Sikh fundamentalists and Shiv Sena from protesting. However, when rumors spread among each other that the opponents were protesting, the police could not convince them. Because of which both sides came out. The police did not expect this, that is why preparations were not made in this regard. Due to which the situation suddenly became uncontrollable. IG Rakesh Agarwal, removed from Patiala, said that this violence has happened because of some mischievous people. They spread rumors and because of that things got worse. The police have identified those people. Soon the police will take strict action against them too.

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