Republican leader slams CDC for new mask mandate, says it’s based on data from India

republican leaders slamming cdc new mask mandate data india latest international news cdc news
Image source: AP/Rep.

Republican leader slams CDC for new mask mandate, based on data from India.

A top Republican leader has slammed the ruling Democratic Party and the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control for reimposing a mask mandate for people who are vaccinated under certain circumstances, alleging that the latest regulation is based on data from India.

House Minority Leader, Congressman Kevin McCarthy, was speaking out against a bill that proposed to restore a masked mandate in the House of Representatives.

He alleged that the latest recommendations of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) are based on a report that has not been reported yet.

However, the Republican leader did not comment on the report.

Referring to a conversation with a house doctor, McCarthy said the report was “about a vaccine based in India that is not approved in the US.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed the opposition leader and called him “a fool”.

However, McCarthy insisted that the Indian report “didn’t even pass peer review.”

“The mask mandate is based on a study in India, based on a vaccine that has not been approved in the US that does not pass peer review. Could this be a plan to keep our schools closed?” He asked.

His fellow Republican, Congressman Dan Crenshaw, joined him on social media to support him.

Here’s the truth, America: The “game-changer” data the CDC uses for the mask mandate is from a single study in India. The study was rejected in peer review.

But the CDC used it anyway. Remember what I said about public health officials losing our trust? It gets worse,” he said on Twitter.

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