Republic Day 2023: Tips for Students and Adults to Give a Great Speech

Last Update: January 23, 2023, 07:30 AM IST

HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY 2023: Educational institutions also organize Republic Day celebrations, which often include sports competitions and other events including speeches.  (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY 2023: Educational institutions also organize Republic Day celebrations, which often include sports competitions and other events including speeches. (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Republic Day 2023: If you are looking for speech ideas and tips for the upcoming 74th Republic Day, read on to know how you can get it

Happy Republic Day 2023: Republic Day is a national holiday celebrated every year on 26 January to commemorate the day the Constitution of India came into force in 1950. This constitution replaced the Government of India Act (1935) as the country’s governing document.

The constitution marked India’s transition from a British colony to a democratic one. The main event of the day is the grand parade organized on the duty path. It is attended by a large number of citizens as well as dignitaries from across the country and the world.

(Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Educational institutions also organize Republic Day celebrations, which often include sports competitions and speeches, along with other events. If you are looking for speech ideas and tips for the upcoming 74th Republic Day, read on to know how you can get it:

Tips for Republic Day Speech

  1. Understand your audience and topic
    Tailor your talk to the specific audience, and keep their age and background in mind. Make sure that your speech has relevance to 74th Republic Day.
  2. be organized
    Make sure your speech has a clear structure. This means that it should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. Add anecdotes and examples to make your speech more relevant and engaging.
  3. practice well
    Rehearse your speech several times. This will get you comfortable with the material and reduce your chances of getting nervous on stage.
  4. show your confidence
    Speak at a moderate pace and be sure to look at different members of the audience to maintain focus.
  5. end with a memorable sentence
    Leave your audience with something to think about or something they can do. Make sure you keep them engaged till the end.

interesting facts to include

  1. While India gained independence on August 15, 1947, the constitution was not adopted until 1950.
  2. The first Republic Day parade to be held at Rajpath took place in 1955.
  3. Republic Day celebrations are held for four days. It will conclude on January 29 with the Beating Retreat Ceremony.
  4. The Constitution of India is unique in being the largest handwritten constitution in the world. It is said to be 30 times longer than the US Constitution.
  5. The English version of the Constitution of India was calligraphed by Prem Bihari Narayan Raizada, while the Hindi version was done by Vasant Krishnan Vaidya.

speech examples to take inspiration from

Good morning respected guests,

Today, on the 74th Republic Day of our great nation, we gather to celebrate the spirit of unity and diversity that makes our country so special. We come from different backgrounds, speak different languages, and follow different religions, but we stand together as one nation, united by our love for India.

On this day we remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, who gave their lives for the freedom of our country. We also remember the contribution of our founding fathers, who drafted the Constitution of India, which has guided our country for more than seven decades.

As we look towards the future, we see a country which is developing rapidly and making progress in all fields. We see a nation that is becoming a leader in science, technology and innovation. We see a country that is working to provide a better life for all its citizens. But we also know that there is still work to be done. We must keep striving for greater equality, justice and freedom for all. We must work to overcome the challenges we are facing.

Let us all take a pledge on this Republic Day to work together to build a stronger, more prosperous and more developed India. Let us celebrate the diversity and unity that makes our country great, and let us work to make it even greater. Jai Hind!

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