Remand of 2 terrorists arrested from Amritsar extended by 4 days: Hand grenades, pistols and weapons from Pakistan were caught, the terrorists sitting in UK are connected to Gurpreet

Amritsar5 hours ago

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Terrorists Shammi and Amritpal Singh exiting the court.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Terrorists Shammi and Amritpal Singh exiting the court.

Terrorists Shammi and Amritpal Singh, who were caught from Gharinda area of ​​Amritsar, were again produced in the court on Friday. The police put the matter of recovery from the accused in the court. After which the court agreed to extend the remand of the accused. The police have also told the links of the accused to Gurpreet, a terrorist sitting in the UK.

Gharinda police arrested terrorists Shammi and Amritpal Singh with two hand grenades, pistols and weapons on Sunday night. During interrogation, it came to light that these weapons have come from Pakistan. The police started interrogation after obtaining his 4-day remand. After this, the accused recovered 4 grenades and 3 pistols from the village between Batala-Dhariwal.

It is alleged that both the accused were sent to bring the consignment of weapons sent from across the border. But in the meantime the accused got caught by the police. Gurpreet is the same terrorist, whose name also appeared in the Shingara bomb blast in Ludhiana and fled to the UK only after the incident.

NIA can take the matter in hand
At present, the matter is being looked into by the police of Gharinda police station. But this matter can also be taken up by the NIA. It is worth noting that the NIA is investigating the case of weapons arriving from the border through drones. At the same time, these grenades and weapons are also being told to come from across the border. On the other hand, the weapons that came with the drones and the weapons recovered from the terrorists are also the same.

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