Relief news amidst scorching heat: Rain on the mountains will change the weather in the plains, the temperature will drop for the next 10 days

  • Hindi news
  • National
  • IMD weather forecast update; Rain and cold wave conditions over Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh

9 hours ago

There is relief news for the whole of North and Central India, which is scorching due to the scorching heat. The temperature will drop for the next 10 days. The heat will stop. However, in the last week of April, the heat will start showing fierce form again. There is a apprehension that all the previous records of temperature may be broken at many places of the country. This estimate has been specially made available to Bhaskar by the weather agency Skymet.

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Chance of hailstorm with heavy rain
An active Western Disturbance has knocked over Kashmir. Due to its effect, there is a possibility of light rain in Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand on April 13-14. Occasional hailstorms are also possible with heavy rain. After that another Western Disturbance will come again on 18 April. Its effect will last from north to central India till April 22. Then after April 23, there will be a sharp increase in temperature.

Relief from heat can be given
Skymet meteorologist Mahesh Palawat said that in April and May, the winds carrying moisture from the Arabian Sea or Bay of Bengal will bring big relief at least once every week. Due to their effect, there will be sudden clouds in the afternoon during the hot summer and there will be rain with thunder in the evening. Such incidents will happen every week to come.

Monsoon will be normal for the fourth consecutive year
Private weather forecasting agency Skymet has also released the monsoon forecast for 2022 a day earlier. According to this, monsoon is likely to be normal this year. That is, this time there will be 98% rain during the 4 months of rain. Normally, India receives 880.6 mm of rain between June and September, which means it may be 98% of the same amount in 2022. Skymet has also kept a margin of 5% increase or decrease in this estimate.

Central India: The effect of disturbance is less, but relief is definitely
Cloudy movement is possible two-three times over Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and North Maharashtra during the next two weeks. Chances of rain are less, but the temperature may drop by 4-5 degrees. However, after April 23, the heat will increase again.

Northeast and South: Heavy rain till April 16
Fifth note of musical scale. Heavy rain is expected in Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh from April 13 to 16. Heavy rain is also possible over Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka on 13-14. Meteorologist Mahesh Palawal said that two western disturbances will definitely bring relief from the heat, but this relief will not last long. The last week of the month will be very hot.

IMD also confirmed the change in weather
RK Jenamani, Senior Scientist of the Meteorological Department said that the heat wave has ended in Northwest India and the temperature is likely to drop by two to three degrees due to the increasing presence of clouds. The presence of clouds over Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana will bring down the temperature by 2-3 degree Celsius.

Heatwave conditions may arise in Rajasthan around April 16. Another Western Disturbance is expected from April 18.

Also read this news to know the weather forecast for the coming few months…

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