Red alert sounded in southern Israel, clashes at W Bank

Rocket fire over Israel from Gaza on September 11, 2021. (credit: Doody Fuld)

Rocket sirens in Gaza border communities south of Israel at 9 p.m. Saturday.

An IDF spokesman confirmed that a launch from Gaza into Israel had been identified and was intercepted by the Iron Dome.

Apart from minor injuries after falling while running towards the bomb shelter, no one was reported to be injured.

    Palestinians protest and clash with Israeli security forces in support of the escape of six Palestinian prisoners from the Israeli prison in Gilboa in the village of Kafr Qaddoum, west of Nablus in the West Bank on September 10, 2021 (Credit: NASSER ISHTAYEH/FLASH90 ) Palestinians protest and clash with Israeli security forces in support of the escape of six Palestinian prisoners from the Israeli prison in Gilboa in the village of Kafr Qaddoum, west of Nablus in the West Bank on September 10, 2021 (Credit: NASSER ISHTAYEH/FLASH90 )

Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi made a statement about the incident, reacting by saying that “there was no response to rocket fire directed at Sderot several weeks ago, when a terrorist who killed heroic soldier Barel Shmueli”. Granted, he roams freely in the Gaza Strip, and—when terrorists escape prison in Israel—means one thing: Hamas and PIJ don’t take incidents, they run them, and set the temperature in the area. “

Davidi concluded, “The State of Israel must not allow a situation in which terrorists who seek to harm children of the Saderot and border communities stand on their own feet and are not afraid of their fate.”

“Return a sense of peace and security to residents of the Bennett and Gantz – Sederot and Gaza border communities.”

The red alert was the second in two days after rockets were fired at Israel on Friday night in response to the capture of two Gilboa prison fugitives. An additional two were caught later that night.

Shortly before the red alert siren sounded, Abu Obadiah, spokesman Hamas military branchThe Qassam Brigade gave a speech in the Gaza Strip praising the six fugitives, saying that “Jenin and her revolutionaries and heroes are not alone.”

“We will not allow the enemy to dominate our men in the camp, and we will perform our national duty towards them,” he continued.

Earlier on Saturday, Hamas issued a statement saying the prisoners’ escape “resurrected the hopes of the Palestinian people that it was only a matter of time until the West Bank was ‘blown up’ in Israel’s face”. .

Palestinian news outlet Shehab Agency reported on Saturday evening that clashes also took place between IDF soldiers and Palestinian youth near the Huwara checkpoint, south of Nablus. Clashes were also reported near the city of Beta, south of Nablus.

Additional riots broke out in the West Bank, and Palestinian media reported that youths were involved, among other activities, in support of escaped prisoners, two of whom have not yet been returned to the West. Banks were installing rubber tires at the entrance of the city. – Caught.

According to the Shehab news agency, local sources claimed that the protesters were “gathering to express their anger at the business they are doing against the prisoners.”

Demonstrations also took place in the city of Nazareth, where two prisoners were captured on Friday evening.

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