Reconsider your trip to Sri Lanka: US cautions its citizens amid economic crisis and unrest

New Delhi: The United States has advised its citizens not to travel to Sri Lanka, which is currently facing unrest due to its worst economic downturn.

The United States has pointed to a shortage of fuel and medicine in the island nation, in addition to COVID-19 and terror threats.

“Reconsider your trip to Sri Lanka due to Covid-19 and lack of fuel and medicine. The exercise in Sri Lanka has increased vigilance due to terrorism.

The advisory comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Sri Lanka due to COVID-19.

Indicating the high levels of COVID-19 in the island nation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said: “Your risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms may be reduced if you are fully treated with an FDA-authorized vaccine.” Kindly vaccinate.”

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Before planning any international travel, please review CDC’s specific recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers,” the United States National Public Health Agency said.

Highlighting the economic situation Sri Lanka is facing due to shortage of fuel and cooking gas as well as some medicines and essential food items, the State Department said: “The recent economic situation at gas stations, grocery stores and There have been protests in the queues. and some pharmacies. Protests have taken place across the country and have been mostly peaceful. In some instances, the police have used water cannons and tear gas to disperse the protesters.

The State Department further said “there have been daily planned power outages in the island as well as some unplanned power outages, as fuel for backup generators is increasingly scarce”.

“Public transport has been limited or stopped in some instances. Travelers should monitor local media for updates on the current situation,” the State Department said.

Terrorists can, according to the travel advisory, strike with little or no warning, targeting tourist sites, transportation hubs, markets, shopping malls, government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events. can make. Educational institutions, airports, hospitals and other public areas.