Re-heating rice can put you at risk for this potentially fatal disease

There are not many things as delicious as hot, fluffy rice. Unfortunately, though, rice can create ideal conditions for potentially dangerous bacteria to grow. Bacillus cereus, among other bacteria, is common on uncooked rice. Simply boiling the rice is not enough to kill it as it produces spores that can tolerate heat.

after cooking, rice left at room temperature Can host a variety of bacteria as they multiply and release harmful toxins, and sometimes B. cereus causes food poisoning, also known as “fried rice syndrome”. You can avoid this depending on how you prepare, cook, and store your rice after it’s cooked.

Rice preparation and storage

Washing hands is always a good start when it comes to food preparation, and washing rice can change its texture and get rid of insects or heavy metals that may be hiding between grains, making it more likely for B. Ceres won’t get rid of it. that’s because bacteria accumulate in grainsSo they are not going anywhere.

After boiling rice, it should be served immediately in a cooked state, or cooled quickly and placed in a container in the refrigerator or freezer. Do not leave cooked rice outside for more than an hour.

How do you heat rice?

Persian Rice with Kidney Beans and Carrots (Credit: Pascal Perez-Rubin)

Leftover rice can be reheated and microwaved, fried, or steamed, but it is safe to do so if the cooked rice has been properly cooled and stored. If the rice has been out for a few hours, reheating it may spoil it.

This is because heating, cooling and reheating B. Cereus gives a good chance to grow harmful bacteria, which increases the chances of fried rice syndrome. By the way, fried rice syndrome isn’t specific to fried rice, and you can get it from any food. However, fried rice dishes that call for leftover white rice are an easy place to stumble, because by the time your final dish is ready, it’s already been reheated twice — and that’s what most Is in good condition.

How dangerous is fried rice syndrome?

B. cereus food poisoning can be fatal in severe cases, and although it is known as fried rice syndrome, it can also occur in other foods such as pasta. A 2011 case study determined that within 10 hours of eating five-day-old pasta, a 20-year-old student’s B. Ceres died of poisoning. One such case occurred in 2003 when a family consumed 8-day-old pasta salad, resulting in the death of one person and the hospitalization of five children.

What are the symptoms of fried rice syndrome?

Fried rice syndrome often presents with Poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea B. Triggered by Ceres as it rises. In most cases, the disease will be limited and pass within a day or two, but for some it can progress and even be fatal.

Antibiotics are not effective because it is the toxin that causes the disease and not the bacteria, so treatment mainly focuses on replenishing fluids until the worst of the digestive tract symptoms have subsided. That’s why prevention is the best defense.