18 साल के युवाओं के लिए इंडियन नेवी में नौकरी: SC-ST फ्री में कर सकते अप्लाई, सिलेक्शन के बाद 1 लाख तक होगी सैलरी

4 minutes ago

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For the youth who are looking for government jobs, we are again here with the information of 5 latest government jobs. There is recruitment for the posts of Chargeman in the Indian Navy for the youth of 18 years. If you have done graduation in science then you can apply for this post. Today is the last date to apply.

At the same time, there is a job opportunity for the youth of 20 years in Bihar Police Subordinate Services. If you have done graduation then you can apply for the job. After selection, the salary will be up to Rs 1,12,400 per month.

Apart from this, there are three more jobs.
First: Jharkhand High Court has 42 vacancies for Personal Assistant. Graduate students of 21 years can apply for this.
Second: IDBI Bank has vacancies for 1036 posts. Those students of 20 years who have completed their graduation and have computer knowledge can apply for this.
Third: For the youth of 18 years, SBI is recruiting for the posts of Specialist Cadre Officer. Students who have done BE, B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech or M.Sc can apply for this.

  • Let’s look at all five jobs, also read 10 current affairs.

You learned about five jobs here. You must have some questions in your mind. Therefore, you must check the official notification through the given website. The rest of the jobs that have been mentioned, if you feel that this fulfills the need of your brother-friend or relative, then definitely send it to them.

In the end, we are giving 10 latest current affairs questions and answers. See them everyday. If possible, go on saving. So that it will prove beneficial for you in the upcoming exams.

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