Ranvir Shorey Wants Taj Mahal’s 22 Rooms Opened, Twitter Has its Say

The Allahabad High Court on Thursday lambasted the petitioner, who sought the opening of 22 rooms in the Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world. The two-judge bench minced no words and asked the petitioner to not “make a mockery of the PIL system.” The court further asked the petitioner to go back, study or even do a PhD.

However, despite the court order, actor Ranvir Shorey jumped into the discussion on Twitter and said that he can’t believe that in the 21st century, after 70 years of independence, India has national monuments with secret locked basement rooms.

Ranvir then requested these rooms be opened to see what was there. The actor ended the post by writing that if the doors were opened, they could make films like Indiana Jones about it.

Ranvir was brutally trolled the moment he shared these views on Twitter. A person wrote that he can’t believe this is the 21st century and after 70 years of independence, India still has “blind followers”. This person continued writing that according to these blind followers, “Jawaharlal Nehru and Aurangzeb were still the cause of many problems”.

Another Twitter user took a dig at the actor and said, “You are right… These should be the country’s priorities. This user expressed that maybe the economy and unemployment are trivial issues and can be solved later on.”

The next user said that in the 21st century, some people want to focus on opening doors instead of solving bigger problems at hand. The Twitter user further said that artists like Ranvir were just creating an unnecessary issue out of nothing.

Famous writer Vikram Chandra also didn’t shy away from criticizing Ranveer. Vikram wrote that before writing anything, Ranveer should check his facts from the book The Complete Taj Mahal: and the Riverfront Gardens of Agra written by Ebba Koch. Vikram also dropped a link to the post shared by renowned historian Rana Safvi. Rana has shared a photo from the book written by Ebba giving a glimpse of various rooms, tahkhana etc.

The tweet was retweeted more than 5,000 times.

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