Ramadan 2022: Diabetes and fasting? Quick Guide to Managing Sugar Levels During the Holy Month

new Delhi: In India, the holy month of Ramzan (Ramadan or Ramzan) began with the sighting of the moon on Saturday. In this ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk and abstain from drinking water. The fast begins with a meal called sahari (suhoor) before dawn and ends after sunset with a feast called iftar.

Fasting for 30 days that too in these hot and stressful conditions of summer can be tough for the body. Given the nature of fasting for people with diabetes, fasting becomes even more difficult.

Diabetes is a condition that requires regular monitoring and ensuring that the glucose level is within the normal range. Now, there are monitoring tools that help people with diabetes understand their 24-hour glucose profile.

On that note, Dr Jyotidev Keshavdev, chairman and managing director of Jyotidev’s Diabetes Research Centre, said: “During Ramzan, people with diabetes need to be constantly monitored as they are fasting for more than 10-12 hours.”

For those who are suffering from diabetes and are fasting in the month of Ramzan, Dr. Jyotidev Keshavdev has three tips to ensure that fasting does not affect their health.

  • Inclusion of food during Iftar and Sehri: Begin iftar with a meal that is rich in simple carbohydrates and can be quickly absorbed by the body such as 1-2 dates or milk, followed by complex carbohydrates such as brown rice and chapatis. During cityEat whole grain cereals and vegetables and take them as late as possible. Alternatively, one can opt for lean proteins such as fish, tofu and nuts as they provide energy. A glass of milk or fruit before bedtime will help in maintaining the sugar level till morning.
  • exercise routine: Aim to maintain the exercise routine you follow but reduce the intensity of the workout during the fast. If training is too difficult, one can focus on a walk or light exercise. Resistance training can help prevent muscle loss in the event of a calorie deficit during Ramadan.
  • sleep patterns: Lack of sleep can affect hunger hormones, making it harder to resist large amounts of high-calorie foods during the eating window. Sleep is important for the metabolic process, which has been shown to facilitate the regulation of blood sugar which is essential for diabetes management.

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