Ram: Prayagraj: Political turmoil due to BJP hoardings on Ramlala. Allahabad News – Times of India

Prayagraj: A hoarding put up by Bharatiya Janata Party leaders, showing the change in status Ram Lalla In Ayodhya Before and after the BJP came to power, the political temperature soared ahead of the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections due early next year and a hoarding battle broke out between the parties.
The hoarding is taking two pictures with the title – “(Then) to hit Lalla the Tent Mein (when Ram was in the Lalla Tent) versus (now) the construction of a grand Ram temple (a Rand Ram temple is being constructed)” has raised political heat in the city of Sangam.
Samajwadi Party and Congress leaders targeted the BJP over the hoarding and accused the ruling party of dividing people in the name of religion.
Countering the allegation, BJP leaders said the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya has been a high and long-standing priority in the party’s agenda.
These hoardings have been put up at many places in Sohbatia Bagh and across Yamuna and across Ganga areas.
BJP State Co-Convener (Media) Ashish Gupta Told TOI, “Construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya has always been a priority of the BJP. Lord Ram has always been the center of our faith and we have been the most vocal for the construction of Ram Mandir for a long time.
He asked the opposition leaders why they were hurt by the hoarding and whether they were disappointed with the construction of Ram temple which is going on in full swing.
Samajwadi Party District President Yogesh Yadav “The BJP is not in a position to face the people, so it is trying to divide people on the basis of religion,” he said.
“The BJP government has failed on all fronts including development, law and order, farmers’ problems, inflation and is diverting attention from these issues by raising ‘mandir, mosque, graveyard and Pakistan’ to hide its failures,” he said.
Yadav said people are fed up with the ruling party’s “anti-people policies” and the BJP will not come to power this time.
UPCC General Secretary Mukund Tiwari He said, “Lord Ram is the center of faith for all of us but his name should not be used to gain political mileage. It is unfortunate that BJP is trying to use Lord Ram’s name to grab power again.” Still working.
