Ram Navami 2022: Recite these chaupai in praise of Lord Rama so that happiness and success can be followed

Ram Navami 2022
Image Source: Freepik

Ram Navami 2022 will be celebrated on 10 April


  • Ram Navami is the date of birth of Lord Rama, who is the embodiment of virtue.
  • Devotees fast on Ramnavami and recite chaupai in praise of the Lord
  • tradition of performing havan on ramnavami

The festival of Ram Navami is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country. This time the festival of Ram Navami will be celebrated on 10 April. Lord Shri Ram was born on the Navami of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. It is celebrated as Ram Navami. According to astrology, by taking some measures on the day of Rama Navami, one can get the boon of happiness and prosperity.

It is believed that Lord Rama was born in Cancer ascendant on the ninth day of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. At that time Moon was in Punarvasu Nakshatra and Sun was in Aries. There is also a belief of fasting on the day of Ramnavami. Also, today there is a law to perform Havan after worship.

On this day, a havan should be performed by mixing sesame, barley and guggul. The quantity of sesame in the havan should be twice that of barley and the content of guggul should be equal to that of barley. By performing Havan in the house on the day of Ram Navami, there is no entry of any negative energy and there is always happiness and prosperity in the house.

Apart from this, installing Ram Yantra on the day of Ram Navami is very beneficial. This is the correct method of making Ram Yantra.

To make Ram Yantra you will need Bhojpatra, Pomegranate pen and Saffron ink, but if you cannot collect all these things, then you just take a white paper and a red sketch pen or pen. Now draw a point on the bhojpatra or on the white paper, then draw a triangle outside this point, now again draw another triangle opposite to that triangle, in this way it will become a hexagon. Now draw a circle outside the hexagon. Then make 8 lotus petals out of the circle.

Do this work while making Ram Yantra

First of all, remembering Shri Ram in the east direction, close your eyes, focus your attention on the triangle between the two eyebrows and chant the word Om 6 times. Then inhale through the right nostril, hold it and exhale through the left nostril remembering Shri Ram. Do this 6 times. Then open your eyes by chanting the word ‘Ram’ 108 times. In this way your device will be ready.

Benefits of Ram Yantra in life

happiness in married life

If you want to bring happiness in your married life, want to increase your happiness and good fortune, then start by placing Ram Yantra in front of you. Chant this mantra 108 times. The mantra is- Hrim Ramay Namah,

Benefits will be available in the field of education

If you want to get benefits in the field of learning, then today chanting this mantra 108 times while keeping Ram Yantra in front of you. The mantra is- Aim Ramaya Namah,

profit in business

If you want to ensure your victory in business, at home, in sports, in politics, in any matter or in any other area of ​​life, then today you should chant this mantra 108 times by placing Ram Yantra in front of you. The mantra is- Kleem Ramaya Namah,

financial condition will be strong

If you want to strengthen your financial position, want to increase your income, then today you should chant this mantra 108 times by keeping Ram Yantra in front. The mantra is- Shri Ramaya Namah,

Also, apart from the measures related to Ram Yantra, reciting the chaupai of Shri Ram Charit Manas on this day will also be very beneficial for you. Therefore, on the day of Ram Navami, you should recite this chaupai for the fulfillment of your special wishes.

The first quadrant is-

J Sakam Nar Suni J Testimony.

Various methods of happiness and wealth:

Today, by offering Tulsi leaves to Shri Ram ji and chanting this chaupai of God 5 times, your financial side will be strengthened.

The second quadrant is-

Deen Dayal Biridu Sambari

Harahu naath mam sankat bhaaree

Today, even by offering a peda to Shri Ram ji and chanting this chaupai seven times, one will get freedom from all kinds of troubles.

next quadruple

Sita Ram Charan Rati More

Anudin Badhih Anugrah Tore

Today, by offering fruits to Shri Ram and chanting this chaupai five times, one will get child happiness.

the fourth quadruple

Suphal manorath hoee tumhaare,

Ram Lakhan Sunmay Sukhare

Offer yellow flowers to Lord Rama today and by chanting this chaupai five times, the obstacles coming in your marriage will be removed.

something different

God bless all cashew nuts

Today, along with offering Boondi laddus to Shri Ram, chanting this chaupai 11 times will give success in any old case.

wind tensile force

old prudence science legislation

Today, by offering semolina pudding to Shri Ram ji and chanting this chaupai 21 times, your intellectual ability will increase.

Apart from this, if you want to fulfill any of your special wishes, then offer sweets made of gram flour to Shri Ram today and chant this chaupai garland-

peacock manorathu janahu nike
Basahu always ur pur sabhi ke

By doing this, today your special wish will be fulfilled.

Mud Mangalmay Set Samju

genie jam movable tirtharaju

Offering saffron to Lord Shri Ram on this day and chanting this chaupai 11 times will increase your wealth as well as respect.