Rajasthan: Man takes injured son to hospital’s 3rd floor on e-scooter in Kota | VIDEO

Rajasthan Rajasthan
Image Source: PTI Rajasthan: Man carries son injured by e-scooter to third floor of hospital in Kota. Video

A man had to use a scooter to carry his 15-year-old son, who had a broken leg, from the ground floor to the third floor of the hospital. The incident was reported from Kota, Rajasthan, where hospital administrators later said they lacked wheelchairs.

The man claimed that he had taken his son to the hospital to get his broken leg plastered.

Manoj Jain said that when he reached the hospital, he asked staff members Mukesh and Sukhlal for a wheelchair, but they said they did not have a wheelchair.

He claimed that the two men allowed him to take his scooter to the ward.

However, ward in-charge Devkinandan stopped the father-son duo on the way and took the key of the scooter.

The advocate had then created an uproar by criticizing the hospital’s alleged mismanagement and lack of wheelchairs.

The incident is of MBS Hospital, the biggest hospital in Kota Mandal.

According to the police, the dispute was resolved through talks after both the parties decided not to file a complaint.

Eyewitnesses claim that the incident took place around 1.30 p.m. Jain, dressed in a black coat, pushed an electric scooter along with his son towards the lift.

He claimed that after exiting the lift on the third floor, he wandered around the ward, leaving patients, visitors, hospital staff and doctors perplexed.

The uproar took place when several others also demanded that they be allowed to bring their loved ones to the ward on a two-wheeler.

When anger flared up, the hospital check post police reached the spot and brought the situation under control.

Meanwhile, Devkinandan promised that the shortage of wheelchairs in the ward, which sees around 3,000 patients every day, would be addressed soon.

Karnesh Goyal, deputy superintendent of the hospital, also reached the spot, said that the government’s supply of wheelchairs was pending and requested donations to buy wheelchairs.

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