Railways issues alert regarding new variant of Corona, Variant Omicron, orders to all zones – Rail Hunt

New Delhi. While issuing an alert regarding the new variant of Corona, Omicron, the Railways has issued a guide line to all the zones. Apart from ensuring availability of adequate stock of oxygen cylinders, PPE kits and testing equipment, ICAU beds have been asked to be kept ready. Apart from this, instructions have been given to the General Managers of all the zones to ensure the vaccination of all railway personnel.

Railway Board’s Executive Director of Health, Dr. K Sridhar, in an order issued in the name of zones and production units, has said that the information of a new mutation of SARS CoV-2 variant Omicron from South Africa on 24 November 2021 is worrying. For this, the Railways will have to make preparations in advance. It has been asked to keep a buffer stock of PPE, testing material, lasting one month, and to keep covid beds and arrangements in both ICU and non-ICU.

The GMs of all the zones have been instructed to take necessary action regarding this. Dr Sridhar has asked to work in liaison with the state and central government officials for the management of Kovid and Omicron type of Kovid patients. He has asked to train health workers from now on for medical equipment and necessary initiatives as per the current need.